Every soul has a different form of Gan Eden depending on its Avoda

This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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B. The many different types of gardens of Eden specifically tailored for each soul: Torah Or p. 81a-82a

Although the books only mention the lower and higher garden of Eden, in truth there exists many levels of garden of Edens for which reason souls never become bored and are constantly going from level to level, in living with the verse that Torah scholars have no rest. Now, how do the souls travel from a lower level of the garden of Eden to a higher level? This is through a shaft or elevator that exists between the two levels. Now, the various levels and shafts that exist between them to allow for travel, is unique for every single soul who enters the garden of Eden. Every soul has a specified tailored abode of levels of gardens of Eden through which he alone can travel upwards and become elevated. These levels are tailored in accordance to his specific Divine level and service that he performed in this world.

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