Entering sakana for the sake of a Mitzvah-Shomer Mitzvah Lo Yada Davar Ra’ah:[1]
It is permitted for one to enter himself into slight danger [i.e. low risk danger] for the sake of fulfilling a Mitzvah, as the verse[2] states that one who guards a Mitzvah will know no evil.[3] It is, however, forbidden for one to enter himself into high risk of danger even for the sake of a Mitzvah.[4] [Some Poskim[5] rule that one may only be lenient by a Segula danger and not by a natural danger.]
Examples: Some Poskim[6] rule that for the sake of Kavod Shabbos it is permitted for one to be lenient to eat a pot of meat in which fish gravy fell inside, even if there isn’t 60x in the meat versus the fish. Certainly, one may be lenient if there is 60x.[7] Likewise, if one said a blessing over water and then heard that the Tekufa has arrived, then he is to slightly delay drinking the water until after the Tekufa passes and may then drink it, as one who guards a Mitzvah knows no evil.[8] Likewise, one may be lenient to use Mayim Shelanu which passed the Tekufa for the sake of Matzas Mitzvah.[9]
[1] Admur 433:32; See Sdei Chemed Mareches Lamed 141; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] Mavo 12
[2] Koheles 8:5
[3] Admur 206:14 “Furthermore, even according to those opinions who rule that the danger of drinking water that was around during the Tekufa continues to apply even after the Tekufa passes, so long as a piece of metal was not inside the water during the Tekufa, nonetheless, one who guards a Mitzvah will know no evil.”; Admur 455:15 “One who has drawn water in his home, which was drawn for the sake of kneading the Matzos, and the Tekufa then arrived either by night or by day, nevertheless, one is not required to spill out these waters, as the verse states “One who guards a Mitzvah will know no evil.” Admur 433:32 “However here regarding this case of scorpions in the mound, the danger is not common, as perhaps there is no scorpion at all in the mound, and even if there is, perhaps he will not touch it with his hands while he is checking and searching for the chametz, and even if he will touch it, perhaps it will not hurt him being that the scorpion is hidden under the mound, and thus there remains only a mere suspicion of danger, and we are thus not worried about this while one is in middle of doing a Mitzvah.”; See Eruvim 21 regarding Rebbe Akiva using his drinking water for washing for bread; Pischeiy Teshuvah Y.D. 157:3 in name of Tiferes Yisrael on Brachos 1:3; Imrei Yaakov 10:23
The reason: As one who does a mitzvah is not injured in the process and hence, we do not suspect for danger while the person is doing the mitzvah. [Admur 433:32]
[4] Admur 433:32 “The reason for why earlier by the case of a hole with a wall which one side lives a Jew and the other a gentile, [we ruled that it should not be checked at night because] of danger [that the gentile will think the Jew is doing magic], [and we do not apply the rule that one who is doing a mitzvah is protected during the mitzvah, as explained here, is because this protection only applies when the potential danger is not common, however] when the potential danger is common we do not rely on miracles even if one is doing a command of G-d. This is learned from the verse “And Shmuel responded how can I go, Shaul will hear about it and kill me, and G-d then said take with you a wagon of cattle…” [Meaning that even though G-d had commanded Shmuel to go crown the son of Yishai as king, Shmuel was afraid of the danger involved, and G-d then agreed with Shmuel’s concern and said that for that reason he should try to avoid the danger by taking with him a wagon of cattle.] ; Imrei Yaakov 10:23
[5] Even Haroshe 14; Drakei Horah 2:75; Tiferes Tzvi 91; Beis Shearim Y.D. 344; 350; Divrei Malkiel 2:53; Marcheshes 1:20-13; Mishneh Halachos 4:190
[6] Tiferes Tzvi 91; See Sefer Shulchan Chaiy 1 footnote 4; Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh 1:6 footnote 8
[7] Yeshuos Yaakov Y.D. 116:3; Mishmeres Shalom
[8] Admur 206:14; M”B 206:26
[9] Admur 455:15; M”A 455:7; Taz 455:3; Levush 455:6; Rebbe Yehuda Hachassid
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