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New fruits:
It is good to beware not to recite Shehechiyanu over new fruits during the three weeks [starting from the night of the 17th of Tammuz[1] until after the 11th of Av[2]].[3] This applies even if one already sees a new fruit, nevertheless, he is to delay the recital of Shehechiyanu until he eats it after the three weeks.[4] [Accordingly, one is to avoid eating new fruits throughout the three weeks.[5]]
If the fruit will no longer be available after the three weeks:[6] A fruit which will no longer be available [i.e. not in season] after the ninth of Av [and cannot be guarded until then due to spoilage or loss of taste[7]], may be eaten and have Shehechiyanu recited over it during the three weeks. [Those who say Shehechiyanu on Shabbos, are to wait until Shabbos to say it, unless the fruit will spoil by that time.[8]]
Shehechiyanu on Shabbos: Some Poskim[9] rule one may recite the blessing of Shehechiyanu over a new fruit on Shabbos [and Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av[10]]. Other Poskim[11] rule one may not recite Shehechiyanu even on Shabbos of the three weeks. [Other Poskim[12] rule one may recite Shehechiyanu on Shabbos, up until the nine days.] Practically, the Chabad custom is to be stringent not to recite Shehechiyanu throughout the three weeks.[13]
Summary: One is not to eat new fruits, and recite Shehechiyanu over them, throughout the three weeks, including Shabbos, unless the fruit will not be available afterwards. |
Q&A If during the three weeks one said Shehechiyanu on a new fruit and prior to eating the fruit, realized his mistake, what is he to do? One is to eat the new fruit, as the blessing as already made.[14]
If one said a blessing of Haeitz over a new fruit, and then realized that the fruit is to receive a blessing of Shehechiyanu, what is he to do?[15] Some Poskim[16] rule he is to recite the blessing of Shehechiyanu on the fruit. Other Poskim[17] rule he is to eat the fruit without reciting Shehechiyanu. May a pregnant woman or sick person eat a new fruit if they have a craving for it? Yes.[18] Some Poskim[19] rule they are to eat the new fruit without reciting the blessing of Shehechiyanu. However, other Poskim[20] rule the blessing of Shehechiyanu is to be recited. May a child eat a new fruit and recite Shehechiyanu?[21] A child who is too young to understand the mourning period may be given a new fruit to eat and recite Shehechiyanu, if he is craving for the fruit.
When the 17th of Tammuz coincides with Shabbos, may one say Shehechiyanu that Shabbos? Some Poskim[22] rule it is permitted to say Shehechiyanu on that Shabbos even according to the stringent opinion. Others[23] argue it is forbidden to do so according to the stringent opinion. On Friday night, some Poskim[24] rule one may say Shehechiyanu according to all opinions.
[1] Chaim Sheol 1:24; Kaf Hachaim 551:207 unlike Mateh Efraim
[2] Machazik Bracha 558:3; Yosef Ometz 56; Shaareiy Teshuvah 558:2; Kaf Hachaim 551:208
[3] Michaber 551:17; Teshuvah Ashkenazim in name of Sefer Chassidim; Drashos Maharil Tisha B’av; Teshuvas Maharil 31; Agguda Brachos in name of Kolbo; Binyoman Zeev 163; Kneses Hagedola 551; Sefer Chassidim 840
Other Opinions: Some Poskim rule one may say Shehechiyanu during the three weeks on a fruit, as it is a Mitzvah, and by all Mitzvahs one is to do so as soon as possible, as one does not know when his time will come. [Taz 551:17; Yosef Katz of Krakow; See Machatzis Hashekel on M”A 551:44; Kaf Hachaim 551:220]
[4] M”A 551:43
[5] Sefer Chassidim 840; Rav Chaim Vital in Shaar Hakavanos; Birkeiy Yosef 551; Yosef Ometz 56; Maras Hayin 17; Mamar Mordechai 551:14; Zechor Leavraham 9 and 3:31; Shaareiy Teshuvah 551:38; Kaf Hachaim 551:204 and 207
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule one may eat the fruit without saying Shehechiyanu. [Beir Mayim Chaim 7; Kesones Yosef 11; See Birkeiy Yosef ibid in name of Mahariy Tzemach and Rav Chaim Vital that he ate a new fruit without Shehechiyanu]
[6] Rama ibid; Binyoman Zeev 163; Teshuvos Maharil
[7] M”A 551:44; Mizbeiach Adama; Machazik Bracha 551 Kuntrus Acharon ; Kaf Hachaim 551:218
[8] M”A 551:44; See Yad Efraim ibid
[9] Arizal in Shaar Hakavanos p. 89, brought in M”A 551:42; Mateh yehuda 551; Beis David 325; Tur Barkat , brought in Birkeiy Yosef 551:10; Chaim Sheol 1:24; Kaf Hachaim 551:205
[10] Beis Yehuda 61 p. 109; Glosses of Rebbe Akiva Eiger 551; Aruch Hashulchan 551:38; Shaar Hatziyon 551; Kaf Hachaim 551:205
[11] Mateh Moshe 697, and Levush brought in M”A 551:42; Taz 551:17; Sefer Chassidim 843; Kneses Hagedola 551; Elya Raba 551:42; Chayeh Adam 133:8; Derech Hachaim; Avnei Nezer 428; Kitzur SHU”A 122:2; M”B 551:98
[12] Aruch Hashulchan 551:38; Toras Chaim Sofer 551:35; Kinyan Torah 6:32
[13] Hayom Yom 21st Tammuz; Sefer Haminhagim;
[14] The issue is not with eating the new fruit, but with the Shehechiyanu, and the Shehechiyanu was already said.
[15] See Shaareiy Teshuvah 551:38; Kaf Hachaim 551:214
[16] Birkeiy Yosef 551:12 in name of Kneses Hagedola 2:34; Implication of Rav Chaim Vital in Shaar Hakavanos
[17] Birkeiy Yosef ibid in name of Mahariy Tzemach in name of Rav Chaim Vital, brought in Shaareiy Teshuvah 551:38; See Avnei Nezer 428; See Kaf Hachaim ibid
[18] Birkeiy Yosef 551:8 and 13; Mahariy Tzemach in Naggid Umitzvah p. 70 and Peri Eitz Chaim 23:1 regarding sick; Shaareiy Teshuvah 551:38; M”B 551:99; Kaf Hachaim 551:211
[19] Opinion in Birkeiy Yosef ibid; M”B 551:99; See Shaareiy Teshuvah and Kaf Hachaim ibid
[20] Birkeiy Yosef ibid in name of Kneses Hagedola; Kaf Hachaim ibid
[21] Birkeiy Yosef 551:9; Zechor Leavraham 3:31; Kaf Hachaim 551:212
[22] M”A 551:42, brought in Beir Heiytiv 551:38; Elya Raba 551:42; Ramaz brought in Birkei Yosef 551:11; Shaareiy Teshuvah 551:38
[23] Mor Uketzia 551; Birkeiy Yosef ibid in name of Kneses Hegdola 2:9; Chaim Sheal 1:24; Bigdei Yesha 551:42; Kaf Hachaim 551:206
[24] Sdei Chemed Bein Hametzarim 1:1; Nitei Gavriel p. 118
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