Avraham represents kindness while his son Yitzchak represents severities:[1]
While our forefathers in general all represent the revelation of G-d in this world, they achieved this in different ways that complement each other. Avraham represents the divine light of G-d in its sublime and transcendent state. On this level, the divine light is too high and intense for the world to be able to receive from it, and it was this job that his son Yitzchak came to fulfill. Yitzchak represents the attribute of fear and severity; darkness which is the opposite of light which was represented by his father. The attribute of Yitzchak allows the divine light represented by his father Avraham to be contracted and concealed enough for it to then be drawn below and received by the world’s inhabitants. Thus, although Avraham and Yitzchak represented two completely opposite attributes, they complemented each other, and helped each other achieve the joint goal of drawing G-dliness below. On this the verse states, “Veyehi Erev Vayehi Boker Yom Echad/and it was evening and it was morning and it was one day,” which means to say that in order for there to be the creation of an existence that can withstand the revelation of the one G-d so that it be nullified and subdued to him, there must be an aspect of darkness and an aspect of light, an aspect of day and an aspect of night, an aspect of divine light and an aspect of concealment and contraction.
The divine lesson:
As parents, we all wish that our children come out to be just like us in emulating our good qualities and character traits. Often, however, it occurs that our children come out to be our exact opposite, and place their emphasis and excitement in matters that we ignore, while they tend to ignore the matters that we feel are important and we tend to excel in. For example, a father who is a great rabbi and Torah scholar wishes that his son likewise turn out to be a Rabbi and Torah scholar. Well, what if the child turns out to rather place his emphasis and interest on business and wealth. The above teaching emphasizes to us that there is no need for our children to be exactly like us, as there are many avenues in service of G-d, and there are many missions that each Jew is given to accomplish. While the divine ordained mission of a father may be in the field of Rabbinics, the mission of his son may be in the field of business to make a living and give charity. Just as the world needs the Torah learner known as the Yosheiv Ohel, so too it also needs the businessman known as the Baal Eisek, and each one comes to complement the other. We should all learn to recognize the special qualities and interests and challenges of our children and try to channel them in the direction that is right for them even if it may not be right for us. Notwithstanding, we must simultaneously educate them with a Torah education so that they love the learning of Torah and strive to assiduously study it and become true Ovdei Hashem and Yirei Shamayim. |
[1] Torah Or 11a-b
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