Drinking the leftover milk in a cereal bowl

Drinking the leftover milk in a cereal bowl


It often happens that I put too much milk in my bowl of cereal and when I am done eating my cereal in the morning, I would like to drink the excess milk. Now, I heard that one is not to drink from a bowl, so like to know if this applies likewise to the milk. Also, what I need to say the blessing of Shehakol on the milk, assuming the cereal that I ate was M Parkezonos or Hadama.


It is true that due to reasons of danger to one’s eyesight one should avoid drinking water directly from a bowl or plate. However, it is unclear if this applies only to water or also to other beverages. [Regarding certain laws of danger involving water, we find that they apply not just to water but to all liquids, while by other laws define the danger only applies to actual water.] Vetzaruch Iyun. Now, regarding if a blessing of Shehakol should be recited on the leftover milk, the Poskim rule that a blessing is not to be recited, as it was considered secondary to the cereal and included in its blessing even if one desires to now drink it alone.

Sources: See regarding the danger of drinking water from a bowl or plate: Admur Hilchos Shemiras Haguf Vinefesh 9; Pesachim 111b; Chochmas Adam Beis Yisrael p. 66; Shemiras Hanefesh 322; Kaf Hachaim O.C. 170:79; Y.D. 116:208; Likkutei Maharich; Atzei Haolah Y.D. 116:25; See Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 46:3 See regarding not repeating a blessing over the leftover milk: Admur 168/9; Taz 168; M”B 168/46; See Seder 3/1; 212/1; Luach [Prus] p.22; Luach [Marlow] p. 159]

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