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When getting dressed [or getting undressed[2]] one is[3] do so under covers in order not to have any part of his body revealed while putting on [or removing] the clothing. Thus if one slept without a shirt, when he awakens he is not to first sit up and then place on his shirt, as by doing so his body will be revealed. Rather he should take his shirt and put it on [little by little[4]] while he is still lying down under the blanket, and thus when he gets up he will be fully covered. [In this way there will not be any part of his body revealed, even one moment, for no need. Likewise when getting undressed to go to sleep without clothing he is to be careful to cover his body with the blanket under his shirt, prior to removing the shirt from that area of his skin. Thus when he removes each part of the shirt that part of the body is already covered by the blanket and no part of his body will be revealed for no need for even one moment. This law applies throughout the day or night whenever he is switching clothing.[5]]
May one get undressed in a bathroom without covering himself?[6]
Yes. One may get undressed and dressed in a bathroom that contains a shower or bath.[7]
[1] Kama 2/1; Basra 2/2 with slight differences and additions; Michaber 2/1
[2] Basra 2/2: “Similarly when one is removing his clothing and shirt prior to going to sleep, in order to sleep without clothing”
[3] In Kama 2/1 says only that “Tov Lizaher”, while from Basra its implied that this is an obligation-see Q&A!
[4] Basra 2/2
[5] Basra 2/2
[6] Igros Moshe Yoreh Deah 3/47; Az Nidbaru 8/50; Piskeiy Teshuvos 2/2; See Ben Ish Chaiy Vayeitzei 5; Kaf Hachaim 3/13; Basra 2/2
[7] Based on Basra 2/2 that the laws of Tznius do not apply in a bathhouse. Likewise it takes a lot of time to change under the covers and many people are in a rush to work or Daven and this is thus considered a necessity. [Igros Moshe ibid]
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