Doing the Bedika before the night of the 14th

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer

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May one choose to perform the Bedika on a night prior to the night of the 14th?[1]  

If one desires, he may precede and perform the Bedika prior to the night of the 14th, on any night that he chooses. All the Bedika laws are to be followed, including checking after nightfall with a candle. However, a blessing is not said upon doing a search prior to the night of the 14th.[2] Likewise, he must make sure not to enter any more Chametz into the rooms that he checked. Although one is allowed to precede and check his entire house prior to the night of the 14th, nevertheless, one should leave at least one room unchecked in order so it can be checked on the night of the 14th with a blessing. Practically, even if one checked all of the areas on a night prior to the 14th, and did not leave anything else to be checked, he must nevertheless recheck at least one room on the night of the 14th without a blessing.[3]


Practical advice:

Based on the above allowance, one can use the following advice to lessen the burden of checking everything on the night of the 14th:[4] After cleaning an individual item, such as a drawer, shelf, cabinet, fridge, room, and the like, one is to check the item that night using a flash light or room light, and intend to perform the Bedika on it at this time. One is then not required to recheck this item on the night of the 14th. See Halacha 2!


[1] Admur 433:7

[2] The reason: As this search is not being done on the main time that was instituted by the Sages, as the Sages instituted for the search to be done on the night of the 14th. [436:1]

[3] Background-Other opinions: Even if one checked all of the areas on a night prior to the 14th, and did not leave over anything to be checked, one must nevertheless recheck at least one room [with a blessing] on the night of the 14th.  The reason for this is because since on this night the Bedika obligation begins for all Jews which have not yet checked their homes, therefore in order to not differentiate a Jew from the rest of Klal Yisrael, the obligation also applies for those that have already checked. However, there are opinions who argue that one does not need to recheck anything being that he has already checked according to Halacha all of his property with a candle at night. [The main Halacha is like the former opinion and] one [thus] must recheck at least one room on the night of the 14th, [however] one should [also] suspect for the latter opinion and thus when rechecking it he should do so without saying the blessing. [Admur ibid]

If the ten pieces of bread are distributed: Seemingly, if another person places out pieces of bread to be looked for, as is the custom, then one may say a blessing upon searching for them. See Q&A below

[4] Directive of Rebbe Rashab to Rav Yaakov Landau, in story ibid; So I received from several Rabbanei Anash, that they themselves are accustomed to do so in order to lessen the burden of needing to recheck everything on the night of the 14th. [Heard from Rav S.Z. Labkowski as well as many other Rabbanim that so they do in their own home.]

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