A gentile: Some Poskim[1] rule that the prohibition of Onas Devarim does not apply against verbally oppressing a gentile. [The above does not mean that one is permitted or encouraged to verbally oppress a gentile, but that simply doing so is not included in the above unique prohibition.]
[1] Implication of Michaber C.M. 227:26 and 228:1 that just as the monetary laws of Onah do not apply towards a gentile, so too the prohibition of Onas Devarim; Implication of Chinuch Mitzvah 338 “Not to oppress a Jew with words”; Bach C.M. 228:6; Pirush of Rav Perlow on Rasag L.S. 82 in understanding of Rambam; Shevilei David 8
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