Does every person merit to marry thier Zivug Rishon, Bashert?

Does every person merit to marry thier Zivug Rishon, Bashert?

It is clear from the sources that not every person merits to marry their Bashert. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as their Zivug not following them into the current reincarnation, or due to sin of either party which can lead to them marrying other people, or simply due to another person choosing to marry their Zivug. The Zohar states that two of these reasons are connected, as performing sexual sins can cause another person to take one’s Bashert. In the end of the day, to quote from the Yaavetz “we do not know if we marry our Zivug Rishon and it is only the creator who knows the souls who has this information”

Sources: See Sotah 2a; Hagahos Yaavetz on Sotah ibid; Moed Katan 18b; Sanhedrin 22a; Bava Basra 12b; Bereishis Rabbah 68:1; Zohar I, 91b, 207b, 229a; II, 170b; III, 283b; Sefer Chassidim 383; Arizal in Shaar HaGilgulim, Hakdamah 8 and Hakdamah 20; Sefer HaGilgulim, ch. 13; Likkutei Torah and Sefer HaLikkutim, Tehillim, ch. 48; Reishis Chochmah Kedusha chapter 16:39-40; Tzemach Tzedek in his Chiddushim to the Talmud, Moed Katan; Igros Kodesh 1:260

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