Does Bitachon remove the power from G-d to be able to punish?

Does Bitachon remove the power from G-d to be able to punish?[1]

The above conclusion that absolute trust in G-d guarantees salvation, raises the question of whether it literally removes from G-d the power to go through with his plans. What if G-d truly wants the person to receive the intended suffering and already decreed it As a punishment to the individual, and is in his best benefit, can Bitachon circumvent even G-d himself and take away his power to go through with this decision? So, the Baal Shem Tov[2] answer this question by stating that when Hashem desires to punish someone who is fit for punishment he simply remove from him the ability to accomplish and achieve true Bitachon, and without true Bitachon he will not be able to draw down the salvation.


[1] Likkutei Sichos Vol. 36 Sicha 1

[2] Keser Shem Tov 382, brought in Likkutei Sichos ibid footnote 40

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