Do demons really exist?

Do demons really exist?

The Sages[1] mentioned the existence of demons in various places, and they are likewise mentioned in a verse[2] in scripture. It is hence imperative for a G-d fearing Jew who believes in the Torah and in the word of the Sages to believe in their existence.[3] However, there were Poskim[4] who questioned their existence.

[1] See Gittin 68a; Pesachim 113a; Michaber and Rama Y.D. 179:16; Admur O.C. 307:32; Admur Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh Halacha 6 in parentheses; Admur 110:9 regarding travel without parentheses; Rama Y.D. 198:6; Tur Y.D. 179 in name of Rosh Sanhedrin 7:8; M”A 307:26; Beis Yosef 307; Rabbeinu Yerucham 12:9; Shach 179:20; 198:11; Derisha Y.D. 198; Sefer Chassidim 205 and 235; Elya Raba 551:43-44; M”B 551:102; Sefer Nishmas Chaim Mamar Shelishis 12-13; Taamei Haminhagim  Likkutim 74; Otzer Yad Hachaim 868-899; Pardes Yosef Vayikra 17:7; There are many Stories of demons mentioned in Chazal and Poskim; Such as the story of Shlomo Hamelech and Ashmadai in Miseches Gittin, and even in the Teshuvos of the Machaneh Chaim.

[2] The verse states, “Velo Yizbechu Od El Haseirim” and Yizbechu Lasheidim”

[3] Radbaz 3:405

[4] See Meiri Sanhedrin 96 that the entire concept of demons is Divrei Havaiy, brought in Radbaz

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