Did the Eiphod have chains attached to the chains of the Choshen

Did the Eiphod have chains attached to the chains of the Choshen:[1]

Everyone agrees that the Choshen was attached to the Eiphod through gold chains, as explicitly mentioned in scripture. The question, however, is regarding how this attachment took place, and as to which garment the chain was mainly attached to; was it mainly attached to the Eiphod which was then clipped onto the Choshen or was it mainly attached to the Choshen and then clipped onto the Eiphod, or did both garments each contain separate sets of chains which then attached to the garment. So, this matter is debated amongst the Mefarshim. Some are of the opinion[2] [i.e. Rashi] that there was only one set of chains, and that set of chain was mainly attached to the Choshen, and was then later clipped onto the Eiphod shoulder strap. However, others[3] [i.e. Rambam] are of the opinion that they each contained their own chain, and each chain was clipped onto the opposite garment, with the chain of the Choshen being clipped onto the shoulder straps of the Eiphod and the chain of the Eiphod being clipped onto the rings of the Choshen.

[1] See Encyclopedia Talmudit Vol. 2 p. 120

[2] Rashi Shemos 28:8; See Pesikta and Abarbanel on Shemos ibid

[3] Rambam Hilchos Klei Hamikdash Chapter 9:8-10

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