Mi Li Bashamayim Veimcha Lo Chafatzti Ba’aretz:[1]
The verse states, “Who is to me in the heavens and with you I do not desire.” This verse expresses the deep longing that a Jew has, and that he is meant to have, in which he solely desires that the infinite light of G-d himself be his G-d and dwell within him. Meaning, that one desires that there be a revelation of the infinite light of G-d upon his soul, and does not suffice with the revelation of a mere glimmer. A Jew’s heart should yearn to attach to G-d and to reveal his G-dliness upon his soul and inside of his soul. [This teaching is of most fundamental importance in Chabad philosophy, and is one of the main novel teachings of the Alter Rebbe. In this teaching we are instructed to not be bought off with pleasurable and enjoyable revelations of G-d which are really not a revelation of His true self, but rather a mere glimmer of Him. Rather, one is to desire to cleave to G-d himself and to unite with Him.]
[1] Torah Or p. 1a [lines 21-31]
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