Davening to Hashem for Parnasa

Davening to Hashem for Parnasa:[1] In addition to making a Keli for Parnasa, one must pray to G-d and request from Him in His Divine mercy to send one Parnasa from the supernal kindness that was allocated for his soul on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.


[1] See Likkutei Torah Parshas Ki Seitzei p. 37c and Derech Mitzvosecha Mitzvas Tiglachas Metzora pp. 213-214 “The following are the two intents that one should have in doing business. Number one is to supplicate God for his mercy that God send him the supernal kindness into this physical world so that he has sustenance from it. The second is that while working, he believes that the blessing of God is just like any other revealed miracle as if he is bringing the Mun from heaven, and it is simply that he is making a garment for God to conceal His blessing as this is the divine will….Even one desires to be wealthy, increasing in business only helps if he asks mercy from God to send him the supernal kindness that was decreed upon a soul into wealth, and only when he knows to ask for mercy. Otherwise, his increase in business is worthless and will not accomplish anything. This is unlike most of the world who do not request God’s mercy to be wealthy and receive his divine energy in his wealth, as when one does not ask then God does not send more than is necessary to support his family. Thus, such a person can suffice with doing only a little bit of work in business, and overworking does not help for anything…. request mercy from God that God send him His supernal kindness and then he should work a job or business that can make this amount of money.”

Is prayer and requesting mercy from God necessary if one doesn’t desire to be wealthy: From Likkutei Torah ibid it is implied that supplicating mercy from God is only necessary if one desires to be wealthy. Likewise, in Dereh Mitzvoseha ibid he says “as when one does not ask then God does not send more than is necessary to support his family,” which implies as above. Seemingly, the reason for this is because one’s regular income is part of the normal order of the world for which extra compassion is not necessary. However, in two other areas in Derech Mitzvosecha ibid he writes to request divine mercy even in order to get one’s regular income. Vetzaruch Iyun!

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