
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer

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Aidy Detarid Leflot Lo Bali:

When meat is in the process of dissipating its blood, it is not able to absorb blood of its own or of another piece of meat. This rule only applies to absorbed blood and not to Dam Beiyn.[1]


Dam Beiyn:

External blood [visible] which was not removed from meat through slating or roasting. Example: Blood that is found on the surface of a piece of meat. This blood receives stricter rules than regular absorbed blood.


Dam Hablua Beeivarim; Dam Pleita:

Blood which is absorbed within meat. Such blood is permitted to be eaten until it separates from the meat and receives leniencies regarding salting.


Dam Mishrak Sharik:

The blood slides off the meat. This rule states that meat is smooth and hence blood slides off of it rather than becoming absorbed within it.


Hadacha Rishona:

The rinsing or soaking that is administered to meat prior to salting.


Kebolo Kach Polto:

A rule that is at times applied to meat. This rule states that if meat absorbed blood from an outside source that blood is able to be expelled becomes expelled with its own blood just like it was able to absorb it so too it is able to dissipate it.


Keli Menukav:

A vessel that contains a hole. Such a vessel is required to be used when during the Melicha process in order to allow the blood to escape.


Keli Sheiyno Menukav:

A vessel that does not contain a hole such as a typical plate or bowl. Such a vessel may not be used during the Melicha process as the blood does not have area to escape.



The fear a gentile has against transgressing a command of  Jew.


Nora Mishav Shaiv:

Fire draws and sucks out blood.


Shiur Melicha:

The amount of time that meat is required to be salted for in order to remove its blood.


[1] See Michaber 70/1; Rama 70/6

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