Can a Get be sent to a woman via email?

Can a Get be sent to a woman via email?


Can a Get be sent to a woman via email?



No. It is not possible for a Get to be valid via email [even if she prints it] due to several reasons [i.e. not Lishma, Not Kesiva, not Nesina] and it is Biblically invalid, and the wife remains Kosher Lekehuna]. In the event that the wife is in a different location than the husband and is unable to travel to the husband to receive the Get, then the Get is mailed [with registered mail] to the local Beis Din in her location, which then arranges for the Get to be given to her with kosher witnesses in a location designated by the Beis Din.

Sources: Yashiv Yitzchak 16:19; 44:85-86; See a dispute regarding the status of validity of a printed Get: Shut Rameh 93 [valid]; Get Pashut 125:15 [invalid];  Peri Chadash E.H. 125 [valid]; Chelkas YaakovE.H. 105 [invalid even Bemakom Igun]; Rokeiach Pesach 280; Michaber E.H. 119; Taz Y.D. 271:8; See regarding Pesul Lekehuna and if may return to husband if he is a Kohen: Michaber E.H. 150

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