Calabria – Yanover Esrog: Its background and uniqueness

3. Calabria-Yanover Esrog:[1]

The tradition: There is a tradition from the Tzemach Tzedek, in name of his uncle Rav Chaim Avraham, in name of the Alter Rebbe, which dates back to Moshe Rabbeinu, to use specifically the Yanovar Esrog, also known as the Calabria Esrog, for the Daled Minim for reasons known to him. [It is called Calabria in reference to the region of growth in Italy, and is called Yanover, or Genova, due to the fact that it was shipped from this area in Italy. Both terms are interchangeable and used today to refer to the same Esrog which comes from the Calabria region in Italy.[2]] This tradition is recorded in both previous and later Poskim[3], and the Poskim[4] write that Rabbeinu Tam and the Maharam Merothenberg took Esrogim from this region. This tradition dates back to Moshe Rabbeinu, as the Alter Rebbe stated that when Hashem told Moshe Rabbeinu to take an Esrog, he sent emissaries to Italy to bring him Esrogim from there.[5] Thus, by Chabad Chassidim, the blessing should only be said over an Esrog from this region, unless there is no other Esrog available, in which case one may apply leniencies to allow the use of other Esrogim.[6] This tradition is also followed by Satmar Chassidim. The above tradition to prefer the Yanover Esrogim, applies even regarding Esrogim from Eretz Yisrael, that even if they are available, one is to specifically use the Yanover Esrog.[7] Nonetheless, other sects of Jewry who have a tradition to use Esrogim of other orchards and regions, may continue to do so.[8]

The reason for the tradition: The Alter Rebbe stated that the reason for the tradition is for reasons known to him.[9] Nonetheless, the following reasons are recorded: First and foremost, the reason for following this tradition is because this Esrog is verified to be a non-Murkav Esrog, while by many other Esrogim there is a doubt to their Murkav status.[10] Another possible reason for this tradition to use specifically a Calabria Esrog may be since Italy is referred to in the Midrash[11] as the fat of the earth, thus making its fruits have the most beauty, and it is a Mitzvah to choose the choicest products to perform the commands of Hashem.[12]

The status of Esrogim of Eretz Yisrael [i.e. Kfar Chabad]: The above tradition to prefer the Yanover Esrogim, applies even regarding Esrogim from Eretz Yisrael, that even if they are available, one is to specifically use the Yanover Esrog.[13] This applies even to the Esrogim of Kfar Chabad which come from a seed of a Yanover Esrog that was used by the Rebbe, that nevertheless one is to preferably use a Yanover Esrog from Italy for the blessing, and not one from Kfar Chabad.[14] Nonetheless, these Israeli Esrogim that were grown from Calabria Esrogim have the advantage of retaining the non-Murkav tradition of Yanover Esrogim, and thus due to this aspect the Rebbe encouraged such orchards to be planted in Eretz Yisrael, even though the Esrogim from Italy still remain preferable according to the tradition, as stated above.[15] Practically, many Chabad Chassidim who use an Esrog from Calabria are also accustomed to later shake with an Esrog of Eretz Yisrael, and so is testified to have been the custom of the Rebbe.

The Calabria Esrog today & the requirement for a reliable Hashgacha:[16] After the years of the holocaust, various question and suspicions of Murkav were raised regarding the status of Yanover Esrogim today, with claims that the gentile managers of the Calabria orchards are accustomed today to graft the Esrog with lemon branches, and hence the entire tradition was under risk of annihilation. The Rebbe was aware of this worry and acknowledged its seriousness, having in fact directed in the 1950’s for Rav Perlow of Milano to travel to Calabria to personally inspect its Kashrus.[17] The Rebbe gave him personal detailed instructions of how to verify the Kashrus of the Esrogim.[18] Likewise, in the 1950’s, Rav Yisrael Jacobson, who provided the Yanover Esrogim to the Rebbe and who at that time was the sole importer of these Esrogim to America, to personally travel to Calabria and verify their Kashrus, and the Rebbe relied on his supervision.[19] From that time and on Rav Yisrael Jacobson, and other Rabbahnim such as Rav Yaakov Leib Altein, Rav Moshe Lazar, and Rav Rodel, took charge of personally inspecting and supervising the orchards from which the Calabria Esrogim were shipped from to verify their Kashrus and non-Murkav status. Today, other Chabad Rabbahnim, and Rabbahnei Satmar, supervise the orchards in Calabria from which the Esrogim of their Hashgacha are shipped from. From all the above, it is clear that despite the Chabad tradition to use a Calabria Esrog, one may only use a Calabria Esrog from an orchard that has a strong Kashrus supervision to negate any worry of Murkav. To note, however, that even amongst many of the supervised orchards, there is no ongoing supervision during the year to verify that the gentile managers do not perform grafting, and hence many Hashgachas rely on Chazakah, and trust of the gentile, as well as a Safek Sfeika, and the leniency to permit Esrogim which grew from a grafted Esrog, to permit the Esrog.

Using both a Calabria and Eretz Yisrael Esrog:[20] Despite the above Chabad custom to use an Esrog from Calabria, the Rebbe was also accustomed to later shake with an Esrog of Eretz Yisrael, as was a directive of the Rebbe Rayatz, and so is the custom of many Chabad Chassidim. The Rebbe would shake the Lulav with the Esrog of Eretz Yisrael in all the directions, as he would do with the Calabria Esrog.

[1] See Chasam Sofer Orach Chayim 207; Sefer Haminhagim p. 65; Igros Kodesh 3:590; 4:785; Otzer Minhagei Chabad p. 277-279; Yagdil Torah 31:340; Kuntrus Esrogei Calabria Beyameinu [Rosenblatt]

[2] See Sefer Haminhagim ibid; Igros Kodesh 3:590; See Kuntrus ibid p. 9-10

[3] Mentioned in Teshuvas Hariy Padwah, brought in Shut Rama 126; Teshuvas Chasam Sofer Orach Chaim 207; Bikureiy Shlomo 28

[4] Chasam Sofer ibid

[5] Sefer Haminhagim ibid; See letter of Rebbe 4,381

[6] Beis Rebbe; Igros Kodesh 4:785

[7] Beis Rebbe in name of Tzemach Tzedek

[8] Igros Kodesh ibid

[9] Sefer Haminhagim ibid

[10] Chasam Sofer ibid; Igros Kodesh 3:590; 13:110

[11] Bereishis Raba 67:6

[12] letter of Rebbe 3,056; Shaareiy Halacha Uminhag 2:271

[13] Beis Rebbe in name of Tzemach Tzedek

[14] See letter of Rebbe 3,056; 4,381; Igros Kodesh 3:590; 13:110

[15] Igros Kodesh 10:3056; 3,149; 11:3,721; 13:4,381 and 4,337

[16] See Kuntrus ibid

[17] See Igros Kodesh 7:2,023

[18] See Igros Kodesh 10:3056; 3,149; 11:3,721; 12:4,093; 13:4,390

[19] See Igros Kodesh 23:8,838; Miluim to Igros Kodesh letter of 4th Sivan 5719

[20] See Reshimos 4 p. 86 “The Rebbe Rayatz gave me two Esrogim, one from Calabria and one from Eretz Yisrael, saying that so he was also given. He told me to first say the blessing on the Calabria and then to also shake with the Esrog from Eretz Yisrael. He told me not to publicize this.” Maaseh Melech in name of Rav Leibel Groner that the Rebbe would shake Lulav early in the morning, the first time with a Calabria Esrog, and the second time with an Esrog from Eretz Yisrael.

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