Bringing or leaving a loaf of bread on the table by Birchas Hamazon:
Not to bring a loaf of bread to the table for Birchas Hamazon:[1] [Although it is proper to have bread remain on the table while saying Birchas Hamazon, nevertheless even] if there is no bread remaining on the table[2] [at the time that Birchas Hamazon will be said[3]] one should not bring a whole[4] loaf of bread to the table.[5] [The above issue is only regarding bringing a whole loaf of bread to the table, however, slices of bread may be brought to the table.[6]]
If the loaf was already on the table:[7] If, however [before Birchas Hamazon] there was a whole loaf of bread [or slices of bread[8]] left on the table, such as on Shabbos [when one of the two loaves] of Lechem Mishneh [remained on the table], then on the contrary, it is proper not to remove it from the table until after Birchas Hamazon.
Not to remove the loaf of Lechem Mishna until after Birchas Hamazon:[9] Based on the above, the second loaf of Lechem Mishna on Shabbos is not to be removed from the table until after Birchas Hamazon.
Q&A If there is no more bread left on the table prior to Birchas Hamazon, what is one to do?[10] One should bring sliced bread to the table. Alternatively, one may bring a whole loaf and slice off a piece to eat and then leave the remainder on the table. May one leave the whole loaf of bread on the table after finishing Birchas Hamazon?[11] A full loaf of bread which has remained from the meal and was thus not removed before Birchas Hamazon need not be removed after Birchas Hamazon. However, some Poskim[12] rule that one may not leave it there throughout the night, and so rules the Arizal.[13] Other Poskim[14], however, rule that this is allowed. This dispute applies likewise to whether or not one may leave Lechem Mishna on his table on Friday night, set for the Shabbos day meal. May one set up Lechem Mishna on his table on Friday night for the Shabbos day meal? Some Poskim[15] rule that one may not leave it there throughout the night. Other Poskim[16] rule that this is allowed. According to the Arizal[17] it is forbidden to leave it there throughout the night. Is one to be particular to leave Mezonos on the table prior to reciting Al Hamichya?[18] There is no need to do so.
[1] Admur 180:3; Michaber O.C. 180:2, Y.D. 178:3; Sanhedrin 92a; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 37:2
[2] Admur ibid; Kaf Hachaim 180:7
Other opinions regarding bringing whole loaf if there is no bread remaining: Some Poskim rule that if there is no bread at all on the table then one may bring even a whole loaf to the table, and that it is even proper to do so. [Mishneh Berurah 180:4 based on Gr”a 180 and Zohar 2 87b that so should be done even initially; Piskeiy Teshuvos 180:3; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 37:3; See Radbaz 1:201; Kneses Hagedola 180] Seemingly, this ruling of the Poskim ibid applies anytime during the meal, whether before or at the time of Birchas Hamazon. It is clearly evident that Admur does not learn this way, and so rules Kaf Hachaim ibid.
[3] Before Birchas Hamazon: Before Birchas Hamazon, while one is still eating, there is no reason to refrain from bringing a whole loaf of bread to the table, even if this is with intent so it remains on the table for Birchas Hamazon. [Kaf Hachaim 180:6 in name of Zohar Parshas Yisro and Mikdash Melech on Zohar ibid and Beir Sheva p. 69 and 103] However, other Poskim learn this Halacha to be referring to that one is not to bring a whole loaf to the table any time during the meal if one still has slices of bread on the table. [See Mishneh Berurah 180:4] It is clearly evident that Admur does not learn this way, and so rules Kaf Hachaim ibid.
[4] See other opinions above regarding whole bread, and below regarding sliced bread
[5] The reason: As doing so [was the practice of idol worshipers] and hence if one does so it appears that one is preparing the table for idolatry, as it states in the verse [Yeshaya 65:11] “Haorchim Lagad Shulchan..” . [Admur ibid]
[6] Implication of Admur ibid; Aruch Hashulchan 180:2; Piskeiy Teshuvos 180:2; See Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 37:4
Other opinions regarding slices of bread: Some Poskim rule that even slices of bread should not be brought to the table [prior to Birchas Hamazon] if there’s a whole loaf on the table. [M”A 180:2; P”M 180 A”A 2; M”B 180:5; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 37:4]
[7] Admur ibid; Implication of Michaber ibid; M”A 180:2 in name of Zohar 87b and 157b; Taz 180:1; Shach Y.D. 178:5; Derisha 180:1; Beir Sheva p. 69 and 103; Kneses Hagedola 180:4; Birkeiy Yosef 180:1; Ben Ish Chaiy Shelach 3; M”B 180; Kaf Hachaim 180:6 based on Zohar Parshas Shelach and Mikdash Melech on Zohar ibid and in name of many Poskim ibid that so is final ruling
Other opinions regarding leaving whole loaf: Some Poskim rule that one should remove any whole loaf from the table, even when brought for the meal. [Maryu 40; Darkei Moshe 180:1; Elya Raba 180:2; Mateh Moshe 305, brought in M”A ibid and Derisha ibid; See Kaf Hachaim 180:6 and 8 in name of Arizal]
[8] Implication of Admur ibid; Taz 180:1; Aruch Hashulchan 180:2; Yeish Makilin in M”B 180:5; See Kaf Hachaim 180:6
Other opinions regarding slices of bread: Some Poskim ruled that if there is already a whole loaf of bread on the table then one should remove all slices of bread from the table. [P”M 180 A”A 2; M”B 180:5; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 37:4]
[9] Admur 180:3
[10] Kaf Hachaim 180:7 based on Michaber and Admur ibid, in negation of Gr”a
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that one may even bring a whole loaf of bread to the table in such a case. [Mishneh Berurah 180:4 based on Gr”a 180 and Zohar 2 87b that so should be done even initially; Piskeiy Teshuvos 180:3; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 37:3; See Radbaz 1:201; Kneses Hagedola 180]
[11] See Kaf Hachaim 180:8
[12] Levush Y.D. 178:3, brought in Taz Yoreh Deah 178:7; Conclusion of Kaf Hachaim 180:8
[13] Shaar Hakavanos p. 72; Peri Eitz Chaim Shaar Hashabbos 18, brought in Kaf Hachaim 180:8, he concludes that “We remain only with the words of the Arizal which spoke the words of G-d”.
[14] Taz Y.D. 178:7; O.C. 180:1
[15] Levush brought in Taz Yoreh Deah 178:7
[16] Taz ibid
[17] Brought in Kaf Hachayim 180:8, he concludes that “We remain only with the words of the Arizal which spoke the words of G-d”.
[18] Ashel Avraham Butchach Tinyana 180; Salmas Chaim 5:51 [180]; Piskeiy Teshuvos 180:2; See Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 37:5 who leaves this matter in question
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