I. Blessing on horseradish:[1]
Horseradish is inedible when raw and hence one does not say a blessing upon eating it.
[1] Admur 475:23 [See Admur 205:1-2; Seder 6:12; Luach 9:11-12]; M”A 475:10; Chok Yosef 475:9; P”M 475 A”A 10; See Biur Halacha 475:2 “Betibul”; Kaf Hachaim 475:42
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that one says Hadamah on raw horseradish being that it is eaten with other dips and hence deservs a blessing. Furthermore, the blessing over Karpas is like Birchas Hamitzvos rather than Birchas Hanehnin, and hence it deserves a blessing even if a blessing is not be said from the laws of Birchas Hanehnin. [Chok Yaakov 475:16; Biur Halacha 475:2 “Betibul” that so also rules Chasam Sofer in glosses on 473 and so leans to rule Rav Akiva Eiger; See also Ritva Seder Hagadah] Other Poskim rule that at the very least one is to say a Shehakol on the Maror. [Biur Halacha 475:2 “Betibul”] Kaf Hachaim 475:42 concludes that if the Maror cannot be eaten at all, no blessing is said, while if it can be eaten with a dip then a Shehakol is said, and if it can be eaten plain, a Borei Peri Hadamah is said
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