A. Medicinal foods, Medicine, Vitamins – Is a blessing to be recited?[1]
Chewable and good taste: All [medicines, vitamins, and] foods or drinks which are consumed for medicinal [or health] purposes, if they contain a sweet taste [and are chewed[2]] and ones mouth thus benefits from them, then one is to say a blessing prior to eating them. One is likewise to recite a blessing after eating them if one ate enough for an after blessing.[3] This applies even if the person has no appetite to eat the food and is being forced to do so due to his illness.
Swallowable pills and foods, or bad tasting chewable medicinal foods and pills: If the food or, medicine, or vitamin contains a bitter taste [or are sweet but they are swallowed and not chewed] and one hence does not receive pleasure from eating it even though he benefits from getting healed through it, then no blessing is said neither prior to eating it or after.
Tasteless or benign taste:[4] If the medicinal foods do not have a good taste, but likewise do not have a completely bad taste, then according to some Poskim one is to say a blessing of Shehakol over them.
B. Is a blessing said on the liquid used to help swallow a pill?[5]
Plain water: No blessing is said.
Flavored water, soda; fruit juice, etc: A blessing is said
Seltzer: If one drinks a small amount to merely swallow the pill then no blessing is said.
[1] Seder Birchas Hanehnin 7:8; Luach:10:8; SH”A Admur 204:14; Michaber 204:8; Ketzos Hashulchan 55:6
[2] As if they are swallowed the mouth does not benefit and thus no blessing is made. [So is implied from the repetition of Michaber:Admur that “and the mouth benefits”, and so rules Piskeiy Teshuvos 204:18
[3] As although one is only eating them due to health reasons, and is thus forced into eating them, nevertheless since now while sick he desires this food so it heal him, he must thank G-d for his pleasure that he receives while eating it. [204:15]
[4] Admur 204:14 and Luach 10:8 and Seder 7:8 in parentheses in name of Yeish Mi Sheomer or Yeish Mi Sheratza Lomar
[5] Piskeiy Teshuvoa 204:16
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