Birchas Hamazon by Bris

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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Birchas Hamazon:[1] One does not recite Shehasimcha Bemiono by Birchas Hamazon being that the child is found in a state of pain and hence the joy is not complete.[2] At the conclusion of Birchas Hamazon, prior to the Harachaman of Yizakeinu Leyemos Hamashiach, one is to recite the six Harachamans for a Bris Mila.[3] One can honor six different people to recite it. The fourth Harachaman should not be recited by the Mohel [as a it is a blessing towards him] but rather by someone else.[4] Likewise, the first Harachaman should not be said by the father of the child [as it is blessing him]. Likewise, the second Harachaman should not be said by the Sandek [as it is blessing him].[5]

[1] Shevach Habris 19:6; See Pesakim Uteshuvos 264:37

[2] Kesubos 8a; Abudaraham Hilchos Brachos Shaar 9; Migdal Oz Nachal 13; See Koreis Habris 265:66 regarding if a Chasan and Kallah are present

[3] See Hagahos of Tzemach Tzedek on Siddur; Shaar Hakolel 14:8

[4] Siddur Shelah

[5] Shevach Habris 19:6 footnote 16

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