Are there any regulations regarding what type of thread and materials may be used to sew a torn Tallis?

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Are there any regulations regarding what type of thread and materials may be used to sew a torn Tallis?

No. There are no regulations regarding the type of thread and materials that one may use to sew a tear in a Tallis, or to replace a corner or top cloth of the Tallis. This however is with exception to the sewing thread in the corner area of the Tallis, which initially should only be made of material that is not valid for that Tallis or of a colored thread. Thus, on a wool garment one is not to use white wool threads to sew the corner. On a cotton garment one is neither to use wool nor cotton white threads, and is to rather use threads of other materials.

Sources: Regarding sewing an extra piece of corner cloth under each of the four corners see: Admur 15:14; M”A 15:14; Ketzos Hashulchan 6:12-13; Igros Kodesh 2:33 [printed in Shulchan Menachem 1:44]; Regarding placing an extra cloth on the top area of the Tallis Gadol: Admur 8:9; M”A 8:6 based on Rashal and Shlah Chulin; M”B 8:9; Ishkavta Direbbe p. 22 footnote 17; Rav Gurary in Chikreiy Minhagim p.17; Regarding what material is one to use to sew a tear that occurred within the corner: Admur 15:16; Michaber 15:6; Rashi Menachos 41a; Rosh 2:11

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