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The amount of Matzah required to be eaten on the first night of Pesach:[1]
On the first night of Pesach one is Biblically obligated to eat a Kezayis of Matzah [within Kdei Achilas Peras, as explained next].[2] [Likewise, in order to be obligated to recite Birchas Hamazon throughout Pesach, one must eat a Kezayis of Matzah within Achilas Peras. The above is from a Biblical perspective, however, Rabbinically, one is required to eat several Kezeisim of Matzah throughout the Seder as part of Motzi Matzah [two Kizeisim[3]], Koreich [one Kezayis[4]] and Afikoman [two Keziesim[5]], as will be explained in Chapter 4 each in its place.[6] Furthermore, some Poskim[7] learn that although the Mitzvah is fulfilled once a Kezayis is eaten, one nevertheless continues to fulfill the Biblical Mitzvah of eating Matzah with all Matzah that he eats on this night. In the event that one is in doubt if he consumed a Kezayis [within Kdei Achilas Peras], then he is to re-eat a Kezayis of Matzah due to the doubt, without a blessing.[8]]
How much is a Kezayis?[9] It is disputed amongst Poskim[10] as to whether the Kezayis is approximately ½ of a Kebeitza [i.e. 26cc of a 54cc egg[11]] or 1/3 of a Kebeitza [i.e. 17.3cc of a 54cc egg[12]]. Practically, regarding the Biblical Mitzvah of eating Matzah, and regarding Safek Brachos, we are stringent like the opinion that it contains approximately ½ of a Beitza. This is measured in volume and not weight, however, practically, we measure in weight for simplicity purposes.[13] [This amounts to 26cc in volume.[14] In weight, some Poskim[15] rule that this amounts to 28.8 grams of Matzah. However, a more thorough measurement of the amount of crushed Matzah that can fit in a 30cc volume cup, reaches only 20 grams.[16] Thus, while it is accustomed to eating close to thirty grams of Matzah for the Biblical Kezayis, one may be lenient with 20 grams if he so chooses. See Chapter 3 Halacha 5C for the full details of this matter!]
Q&A If one cannot eat a Kezayis of Matzah [due to illness, or lack of owning a Kezayis], should he nevertheless eat as much as he can, less than a Kezayis?[17] Some Poskim[18] rule that one who cannot eat a Kezayis of Matzah [due to illness, or lack of a Kezayis] is to eat as much as he can, even less than a Kezayis, and fulfill the Mitzvah partially.[19]Other Poskim[20], however, rule that there is no Mitzvah at all involved in eating less than a Kezayis of Matzah. According to all, a blessing of Achilas Matzah is not to be recited, although the blessing of Hamotzi is to be recited.[21] What is the law if one ate the Matzah and then vomited?[22] One who ate the Matzah and vomited nevertheless fulfills his obligation and is not required to re-eat Matzah.[23] However, some Poskim[24] rule that he is to eat another Kezayis of Matzah in order to fulfill his Biblical obligation.[25] According to all, one does not recite Birchas Hamazon unless he canassess that a Kezayis of the food has remained in his stomach.[26] |
[1] Admur 475:32 “Once a Kezayis has been eaten, one fulfills his Biblical obligation.”; Admur 475:5 “One does not fulfill his obligation with less than a Kezayis”; 475:8; Michaber 475:7; Rambam 6:1; Shulchan Gavoa 475:29; Kaf Hachaim 475:87; See Pesachim 40a; 1081; 119b
[2] The source: As all eating Mitzvos in the Torah contain a minimum measurement of a Kezayis. [Shvus Yaakov 2:18; See Admur 473:15 “Less than a Kezayis is not considered eating”; Bach 475; Brachos 49b]
[3] See Admur 475:3-9
[4] See Admur 475:15-17
[5] See Admur 477:3 that it is proper to eat two Kezeisim
[6] See Admur 475:8 “All this is initially, however, Bedieved, even if one only ate one Kezayis one is Yotzei”; M”A 475:4; Shulchan Gavoa 475:29 and Kaf Hachaim 475:87 that Rabbinically one is obligated to eat four Kezeisim of Matzah on the night of the Seder.
Matzah shortage: If one only has one Kezayis of Matzah Shmura-See Admur 482:1-2; If one only has one Kezayis of Matzah in total: See Admur 482:3 that he follows the same order as one who is sick and cannot eat more than a Kezayis [as explained in Halacha C]; If one only has three Matzos for both Sedarim-See Admur 482:4-7
[7] Implication of Bach 472 in name of Maharal of Prague that every eating of Matzah, even more than a Kezayis, is a single Mitzvah; Emek Sheila of Netziv 53 in implication of wording of Rambam 6:1; Mikraei Kodesh Pesach 2:48; Piskeiy Teshuvos 475:11
[8] Shulchan Gavoa 475:29; Kaf Hachaim 475:88
[9] Admur 486:1
[10] See Chapter 3 Halacha 2A!
[11] Shiureiy Torah 3:9-12
Shiur Chazon Ish: According to the Chazon Ish, this is between 45-50cc [depending on whether we measure with the shell of the egg]
[12] Shiureiy Torah 3:9-12
Shiur Chazon Ish: According to the Chazon Ish, one This equals 33cc of Matzah.
[13] See Chapter 3 Halacha 2B!
[14] Shiureiy Torah 3:13
Shiur Chazon Ish: According to the Chazon Ish, the Biblical Shiur Kezayis is between 45-50cc [depending on whether we measure with the shell of the egg]
[15] Shiureiy Torah 3:13 [p. 184 and 191; Vetzaruch Iyun as explained next
[16] Heard from Rav Eli Landau Shlita based on his measurement; Koveitz Beis Ahron Viyisrael 51:86; See also Shiureiy Torah in footnote 18 who writes that he managed to enter 20 grams of crushed Matzah in a 35 cc cup which would make a Kezayis be only 17 grams.
[17] See Kaf Hachaim 475:89; Minchas Chinuch Mitzvah 6:1 and 9:1; Mishneh Limelech 1:7
[18] Machazik Bracha 475:4; Birkeiy Yosef 482:4; Chaim Sheol 13; Shaareiy Tehsuvah 475; Mahariy Asad 137; Binyan Olam 19; Pischeiy Teshuvah 475; Aruch Hashulchan 477:3; Kaf Hachaim ibid; Piskeiy Teshuvos 475:10; See Admur 473:31 regarding chewing the Maror for commemoration purposes if one cannot eat it
[19] The reason: As just as we say that Chetzi Shiur of a prohibition is Biblically forbidden, so too Chetzi Shiur of a Mitzvah is also a slight Mitzvah, in addition to the fact that it serves as a memory of the Mitzvah that he is trying to fulfill. [Machazik Bracha ibid]
[20] Shvus Yaakov 2:18; Bnei Chayiy 485; Machazik Bracha 475:4 in name of Chacham
[21] Birkeiy Yosef ibid; Kaf Hachaim ibid
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule one may say the blessing of “Al Achilas Matzah” upon eating less thana kezayis. [Mahariy Asad 137]
[22] See Piskeiy Teshuvos 475:8
[23] Minchas Chinuch Mitzvah 10; Torah Lishma 125; Mikraeiy Kodesh 2:34; Orchos Rabbeinu 2:71; Piskeiy Teshuvos 475:8
The reason: As the main aspect of the Mitzvah is the benefit of the throat and this has already been fulfilled. [Poskim ibid; See Admur 475:25; Chasam Sofer 127; Kesav Sofer 96 based on Chulin 103b]
[24] Makor Chaim 454; Kinyan Torah 3:54
[25] The reason: As the main aspect of the Mitzvah is the benefit of the stomach, and this is no longer been fulfilled once the vomiting has taken place. [Poskim ibid; See Admur 475:25; Chasam Sofer 127; Kesav Sofer 96 based on Chulin 103b]
[26] Chasam Sofer O.C. 127; Pnei Meivin 2:27; Minchas Chinuch Mitzvah 313; Ketzos Hashulchan 44 footnote 3; Ben Ish Chaiy Chukas 13; Kaf Hachaim 184:34; Neziros Shimshon 184; Torah Leshma 125; Shevet Halevi 1:208; See Piskeiy Teshuvos 184:8
The reason: As by blessings we follow the benefit of the stomach and not the benefit of one’s mouth or throat. [Poskim ibid; Admur Seder 8:11; Luach 2:12; Michaber 210:2]
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