The Bedikas done during Shiva Nekiyim?[1]
A. Lechatchila:[2]
On each one of the seven clean days she must initially examine herself [in all the internal crevices] twice[3] every day, once in the morning and once near twilight.[4] [The cloth/Eid should then be checked to be certain it is free of any stain.]
B. Bedieved if she skipped a Bedika:[5]
Skipped Hefsek Taharah:[6] If she skipped the Hefsek Taharah then the first Bedika she does within her Shiva Nekiyim serves as the Hefsek Taharah, and her Shiva Nekiyim begin only from the evening after that Bedika.
Skipped 1st and/or 7th: If she did not examine herself twice on each day of the Shiva Nekiyim, then some Poskim[7] rule that so long as she checked herself one time throughout any one of the days of the Shiva Nekiyim, whether the first day, the seventh day, or one of the middle days, then it is valid. Other Poskim[8] however rule that she must examine herself once[9] on the 1st day and once on the 7th day of Shiva Nekiyim for it to be valid.[10] [Some Poskim[11] rule that even according to this opinion, it suffices to check one time in any one of the middle days and one time on the seventh day. Furthermore, some Poskim[12] rule that even one time on any two days between 1-7 suffices. Other Poskim[13] however negate this understanding and rule she must check herself exactly on the 1st and 7th day.] Practically, one is not to be lenient [and the examination is invalid if she did not check herself on the first[14] and seventh day of Nekiyim].[15] [Even if she already immersed, she is required to wait until she has done a Bedika on the 1st and 7th day and then re-immerse.[16] However, if she already slept with her husband[17], we do not require her to recount and re-immerse so long as she checked herself on the 1st or 7th day.[18] If she only checked herself in one of the middle days, then even if she already had intercourse, some Poskim[19] rule she must wait four days and recount the Shiva Nekiyim. Another case of leniency is in a scenario where she cannot perform clean Bedikos due to an injury, in which case we only require her to achieve a clean Bedika on the 1st or 7th day, and perhaps even only on one of the middle days.[20]] According to all Poskim, the above Bedikos is in addition to the Hefsek Taharah.[21]
Skipped days 2,3,4,5,6:[22] If she checked herself once on the 1st and 7th day, the Shiva Nekiyim is valid according to all even if she missed all the days in-between.
Skipped all seven days:[23] According to all, if she did not do a Bedika throughout all seven days, but did on the 8th day, she must wait a full seven clean days beginning from the 8th day. [In this case, some Poskim[24] question that perhaps according to all she must check herself for each of the next six days, and if she does not do so, she may not immerse on Motzei the 14th day. Other Poskim[25] however are lenient even in such a case to suffice with the same rules as the rules followed during the regular Shiva Nekiyim.]
Summary: Lechatchila, she must examine herself twice each day throughout all seven days of Shiva Nekiyim. Bedieved, if she missed a Bedika, then so long as she checked herself one time on the 1st and 7th day, it is valid. If she missed the 1st or 7th day, it is invalid and she must continue checking until her 1st and 7th day were checked. Nonetheless, in a case of great need, if two, or even one Bedika, was performed during the seven days, she is to contact a Rav for guidance.[26] Q&A Are the Bedikos during Shiva Nekiyim Biblically or Rabbinically required? Some Poskim[27] rule that the Bedikos during Shiva Nekiyim are a Biblical requirement. Other Poskim[28] rule it is merely a Rabbinical requirement.
If she did not check herself on the 1st day what is the law?[29] If she did not check herself on the 1st day, but did check herself during the next six days, then her first day of count begins from her first Bedika that was done within the six days. For example, if she did not check herself on the 1st-2nd day and checked herself on the 3rd day and 7th day then she must check herself until the 9th day, and on Motzei the 9th she may immerse.[30] Nevertheless, in a case of great need she is to contact a Rav. Moch Dachuk: In the event that she used a Moch Dachuk by her Hefsek Taharah, which was only removed after nightfall, some Poskim[31] rule that Bedieved it suffices to consider it a Bedika for her 1st day, and she may immerse Motzei the 7th. Practically, she is to contact a Rav for guidance.
If she did not check herself on the 7th day what is the law? If she did not check herself on the seventh day she cannot go to Mikveh and is to check herself on the 8th day or whatever day she remembers. This applies even if she checked herself throughout all the days between 1-6.[32] However, regarding whether she may immerse the evening of her last check is dependent on when she checked herself previously.
Case A: Checked herself exactly seven days prior [i.e. day 2] and on 8th day:[33] If she checked herself exactly seven days prior, then she may immerse that night. For example, if she checked herself on the 2nd day and 8th day then she may immerse on Motzei the 8th. This applies even if she did not check herself prior to the 2nd day and did not check herself in-between the 2nd and 8th day.[34]
Case B: If she checked herself only on 1st day and on 8th day-Six days passed without a Bedika:[35] If six days passed without a Bedika, then the Bedika she does on the 8th day, or whatever day she remembers, is considered her first day of Nekiyim. For example, if she checked herself on the 1st day and 8th day, and did not check herself on any day in-between, then she must restart her count from the 8th day, and the 8th day now serves as the first day. She must check herself for the next six days[36], or at the very least on the 8th and 14th and if she does not do so, she may not immerse on Motzei the 14th day. Checked herself on 1st-2nd day and on 9th day:[37] If she checked herself on the 1st and 2nd day, and then did not check herself until the 9th day, then since six days have passed without a Bedika she has therefore lost her previous Bedikos, and must recount seven clean days from the 9th day and onwards. The same applies if she checked herself on the 1st, 3rd and 10th day, that she must recount the seven clean days from the 10th day. Case C: Checked herself prior to seven days [i.e. on 1st day] and within seven days, and on 8th day:[38] If she checked herself on the first day, and on one of the middle days in-between, then if she checks herself on the 8th day, she may immerse that night.[39] She however cannot immerse on Motzei her seventh day, if she did not check herself that day. For example, if she checked herself on the 1st day and 3rd day and 8th day then she may immerse on Motzei the 8th. The same applies if she checked herself on the 1st, 3rd and 9th day, then she may immerse on Motzei the 9th.
If a woman has a bleeding injury during Shiva Nekliyim, how is she to perform the Bedikas of Hefsek Tahara and Shiva Nekiyim?[40] Some Poskim[41] rule she does not require any Bedika, and is to simply supervise that she does not have a flow during the Hefsek Taharah and Shiva Nekiyim.[42] Other Poskim[43] rule she must achieve a clean Bedika by the Hefsek Tahrah and during one day of the Shiva Nekiyim.[44] Some Poskim[45] write a clean Bedika must be achieved on the first day of Shiva Nekiyim [or the 7th day[46]].[47] However, from other Poskim[48] it is evident that the clean Bedika can be achieved during any day of the Shiva Nekiyim. Others[49] rule that a clean Bedika must be achieved on both the first and seventh day of Shiva Nekiyim.[50] Some Poskim[51] write she is at the very least to do a Kinuach on the other days of Shiva Nekiyim. [Practically, she must achieve a clean Bedika for her Hefsek Taharah and her first day of Nekiyim.[52] Some Rabbanim require a clean Bedika also on the seventh day.[53] If her injury only releases blood due to friction of a Bedika, then on the other clean days, she is to externally wipe herself to check for blood.[54] In a case that it is not possible for a woman to ever achieve a clean Bedika and become pure, she is to speak with a Rav regarding whether she can rely on the first opinion, and how it is practically done.] How to achieve a clean Bedika: If she knows where the injury is found she can cover the injury, or circumvent it, and check herself in the other areas.[55] Otherwise, she is to go to a Bodekes on the day of Hefsek Taharah and on the first and last day of Shiva Nekiyim.[56] The Bodekes enters a machine to open her area and checks the area with a Bedika cloth, taking care to overpass the wounded area. Some Rabbanim[57] however say that she does not need to go to the Bodekes on the last day and can do the Bedika herself, and be Toleh if finds blood. How deep to insert:[58] A Bedika is only valid if it enters the full depth of her area[59], as deep as she can reach with her finger.[60] If she did the Bedika to the proper depth on even one day of the Shiva Nekiyim it is valid even if she did not go through this depth on the other days.[61] If a woman has an injury by her cervix some Poskim[62] rule it is permitted for her to do a Bedika only into half the depth of her vagina. How many chances does she have to achieve a clean Bedika on the 1st and 7th day?[63] Some Rabbanim learn that so long as she achieves one clean Bedika on the first and seventh day, it is valid even if she tried numerous times that day.[64] May she wash her area prior to the Bedika?[65] A woman who suffers from a blessing injury may wash out the area prior to doing the Bedika. |
Chart of opinions
Lechtachila | Bedieved | |
1st-7th | All agree must have 1-7 Lechatchila | |
1st and 7th | Valid according to all[66] | |
Middle and 7th | Dispute. Some[67] say is Valid according to all | |
Two times in middle | Dispute. Some[68] say is Valid according to all | |
1st or 7th | Dispute. Some[69] say is valid. We are stringent | |
One time in middle | Dispute. Some[70] say is valid. We are stringent |
[1] Michaber ibid
[2] Michaber 196/4; Rosh; Tosafus; based on Mishneh Nidda 68b; Semag; Semak; Mordechai
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that even initially she is not required to check herself daily. [Razah in Hasagos of Baalei Hanefesh of Raavad] Other Poskim rule she is only required to check herself one time daily. [Many Rishonim, brought in Beis Yosef 196]
[3] Michaber ibid; Semag ibid
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule she is only required to check herself one time daily. [Ramban, Rosh, Hagahos Maimanis, brought in Beis Yosef 196; Haeshkol 44]
[4] Some women have the custom to actually say: “Today is the such and such day of my count.” Some say it after the evening examination and others after the morning examination. [Kitzur 4/14]
[5] Michaber 196/4; Taharah Kehalacha 196/7-11; Kitzur Dinei Taharah 4/12
[6] Shach 196/8; Degul Merivava ibid
[7] 1st and Stam opinion in Michaber ibid; Rav in Nidda 69a that she must check on either 1st or 7th; Rambam Issurei Biyah 6/21; Raavad in Baalei Hanefesh Shaar Sefira Vehabedika [any day, including middle]; Rosh Nidda 10/5 [any day, including middle]; Razah Sela Hamachlokes 36 and Reih in Bedek Habayis [only 1st or 7th]; Ramban Nidda 2/3 [any day, including middle]; Rashba in Toras Habayis Bayis Shevi Shaar Chamishis Tur 10/196 [requires Bedika on 1st or 7th]; Rashbatz “1st or 7th”, brought in Lechem Vesimla 196/8
[8] 2nd opinion in Michaber ibid; Rebbe Eliezer in Mishneh Nidda 68b that 1st and 7th suffices; Rebbe Chanina in Nidda 69a that she must check on both 1st and 7th; Hagahos Maimanis on Rambam ibid in name of Raavan; Rabbeinu Simcha; Sefer Hateruma; Semag Lavin 111; Mordechai Nidda 737
[9] So writes Sidrei Taharah 196; Piskei Dinim 196/5; Lechem Vesimla 196
[10] It might happen that she gave up counting in the middle of the seven days. [For example: her husband planned to travel to another city for a long duration, and she therefore stopped counting. He then changed his mind and did not travel. Although she may have missed counting, the count is still valid and need not be repeated, provided she examined herself once on the 1st day (besides the hefsek taharah) and once on the 7th. [Kitzur 4/13]
[11] Degul Merivava, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 196/6, that this applies even according to Semag; Teshuvah Meahava 3/44; Ayaleh Shlucha 19
[12] Shoel Umeishiv in Sheol Yosef Daas Y.D. p. 97 that two Bedikos on any two days during the seven suffices; Aruch Hashulchan 196/25
[13] Noda Beyehuda Tinyana Y.D. 128, as understood by Pischeiy Teshuvah 196/6 [unlike his ruling in Degul Merivava, however see Ayaleh Shlucha 19]; Lechem Vesimla 196/24 and 9 based on Raavad in Baal Hanefesh regarding Zava; Chesed Leavraham Kama Y.D. 62; See Chasam Sofer 178; Beis Shlomo 2/41; Taharas Habayis 2/320; Shiureiy Shevet Halevi 196/9; Taharah Kehalacha 17 footnote 33 that so is the ruling of Morei Horas, unless it is a time of great need, such as for pregnancy.
[14] If she checked herself on one of the middle days and the 7th, Taharah Kehalacha 17/13 concludes that in a case of great need, such as if she has a chance to become pregnant depending on the validation of this Bedika, one is to ask a Rav as perhaps there is room to be lenient like Degul Merivava and others.
[15] Michaber ibid
The reason: As this is case of Safek Issur Kareis. [Beis Yosef 196]
[16] Chasam Sofer Y.D. 178, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 196/7; Yabia Omer 5/16
[17] Chasam Sofer ibid “If she slept/Lansa with her husband.” Some Poskim suggest that perhaps this does not mean actual intercourse but rather that she spent the night with her husband, even without intercourse, and now its already the next day, then we do not require her to re-Tovel. The same would apply if the Mikveh is now closed and it is not possible for her to retovel. [Badei Hashulchan Tziyunim 158; Taharah Kehalacha 17 footnote 25 and Biurim 17/2; Based on Shach 198/25 in name of Maharam Melublin, and brought in Sidrei Taharah 196/42, regarding other cases of Bedieved that to require her to re-immerse the next day is Mechuar, and therefore we rely on the Bedieved opinion.]
[18] Chasam Sofer Y.D. 178, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 196/7; Yabia Omer 5/16; Taharah Kehalacha 196/9; Shiureiy Shevet Halevi 196
The reason: As majority of the Rishonim rule that a single Beidka on the 1st or 7th day suffices. [Chasam Sofer ibid]
[19] Chasam Sofer ibid; Yabia Omer 5/16 however is lenient in such a case even if she only did a Bedika in one of the middle days; Taharah Kehalacha 196/9 rules that if she only checked in the middle, she must wait four days and then recount, although see there footnote 24 in which he gives room to be lenient based on those Poskim who suffice with a middle day Bedika for one with an injury; Shiureiy Shevet Halevi 196 rules like Chasam Sofer that she must re-immerse
[20] Chavas Daas 196/3, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 196/5; Noda Beyehuda Tinyana 134 in end; Tzemach Tzedek Y.D. 123 regarding a woman with injury “It suffices for such a woman to do a Hefsek Taharah and the first day of the Shiva Nekiyim, and the other six days she is not to check”; Chochmas Adam 117/12 regarding Chashash Iggun; Aruch Hashulchan 196/25 “Those women who suffer from injury in the womb are told to do a clean Bedika for the Hefsek Taharah and one clean Bedika on any day of the Shiva Nekiyim, and so is how Rabbanim Pasken.”; Beis David 2; Maharash Engel 1/50; Taharas Yisrael 196/29-30 and Beir Yitzchak 98 “Tis is obvious according to all”; Beis Efraim 48; See also Kinas Sofrim 45; Malbushei Taharah 6-8; Taharah Kehalacha 17/14-17 footnote 39
[21] Shach 196/8; Degul Merivava ibid
[22] See previous part of this Halacha
[23] Michaber ibid
[24] See Rashbatz end of Nidda, brought in Lechem Vesimla 196/8 that even according to the lenient opinion who requires only one Bedika in the Shiva Nekiyim, this only applies within seven days of the Hefsek Taharah, and thus perhaps everyone would agree that a check on every day between the 8th and 14th is required even Bedieved. The Rashbatz ibid concludes with a Tzaruch Iyun; See Tzemach Tzedek 155/8 “The Rashbatz leans to be stringent to require a daily Bedika after the 8th day”
[25] Haeshkol 44; Minchas Pitim; Implication of Noda Beyehuda Tinyana 128 who validates a check on 1,3,9; Taharah Kehalacha 17/10 footnote 28 concludes based on the Eshkol who is an early Rishon that Bedieved is valid even if checked only on 8th and 14th, and so rule other Achronim, and so is implied from Tzemach Tzedek; See Sidrei Taharah 196/18
[26] If two Bedikos were performed, there is room to be lenient like the Degul Merivava and Aruch Hashulchan and Shoel Umeishiv, so also concludes Taharah 17/13; If only one Bedika was performed, then in a case of an injury that prevents her from getting clean Bedikos, there is room to be lenient. See Taharah Kehalacha 17/17
[27] Chavas Daas 196/3; Yosef Daas in name of Sefer Haterumos; Implication of Beis Yosef 196 who says one is to be stringent by Issur Kareis to require a Bedika on the 1st and 7th; Sidrei Taharah 196/18 that according to opinion who requires Bedika on 1st and 7th, the Bedikos are Biblical; Meil Tzedaka, brought in Sidrei Taharah ibid, requires a Biblcial Shiva Nekiyim even according to Poskim who only require one Bedika
[28] See Sidrei Taharah 196/18 that counting the seven clean days is requires but not actual check; Chasam Sofer Y.D. 177
[29] Noda Beyehuda Tinyana Y.D. 128, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 196/6 [unlike his ruling in Diggul Merivava]; Lechem Vesimla 196/24 and 9
[30] The reason: As she must check herself on the first and seventh day, and hence her check on the 3rd day serves as her first day of Nekiyim. [ibid]
[31] See Shev Yaakov 36, brought in Lechem Vesimla 196/5; Levanon Neta 196/5; Mahariy Levi 1/241; Giddulei Taharah 72; Taharas Habayis 2/320; Taharah Kehalacha 17 footnote 33 questions whetehr today the Moch is valid as a Bedika, being it is not fully penetrated inside her.
[32] Noda Beyehuda Tinyana Y.D. 128, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 196/6; See Tzemach Tzedek 155; Lechem Vesimla 196/24; Taharah Kehalacha 17/10 [p. 307]; Darkei Taharah 14 [p. 135]; Shiurei Shevet Halevi p. 285
[33] Noda Beyehuda Tinyana Y.D. 128, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 196/6
[34] The reason: As the 2nd and 8th day both serve as the 1st and seventh day. [ibid]
[35] Lechem Vesimla 196/24; Tzemach Tzedek Y.D. 155 based on Gemara, Tosafus, Ramban, Sefer Hateruma, Ran; Taharah Kehalacha 17/10 [p. 307]; Darkei Taharah 14 [p. 135]; Shiurei Shevet Halevi p. 285
[36] See previous footnotes and inside the main Halacha for a dispute in this matter in whether a daily Bedika is required even Bedieved from after the 8th day
[37] Noda Beyehuda Tinyana Y.D. 128, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 196/6; Taharah Kehalacha 17/12
[38] Noda Beyehuda Tinyana Y.D. 128, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 196/6; Shaareiy Tohar; Taharas Yisrael; Tiferes Tzevi; Ayala Shlucha 19; Taharah Kehalacha 17/11; See also Chasam Sofer 178; Beis Shlomo 2/41; Lechem Vesimla 196/9
[39] The reason: Although seven days have passed between the 1st and the 8th, nevertheless the Bedika done in-between connects the 1st and 8th day. [ibid]
[40] See Shiureiy Shevet Halevi 187/5-3 p. 72; Taharah Kehalacha 17/14-18; Nitei Gavriel 56 footnote 26
[41] Chasam Sofer 177, brought Pischeiy Teshuvah 196/5; Noda Beyehuda Kama 59; Avnei Miluim 23; Tuv Taam Vadaas 1/198; Levanon Neta 196/4; Malbushei Taharah 196/8
[42] The reason: As Biblically, a Bedika is not required at all during the Shiva Nekiyim. [ibid]
[43] Chavas Daas 196/3, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 196/5; Noda Beyehuda Tinyana 134 in end; Tzemach Tzedek Y.D. 123 regarding a woman with injury “It suffices for such a woman to do a Hefsek Taharah and the first day of the Shiva Nekiyim, and the other six days she is not to check”; Chochmas Adam 117/12 regarding Chashash Iggun; Aruch Hashulchan 196/25 “Those women who suffer from injury in the womb are told to do a clean Bedika for the Hefsek Taharah and one clean Bedika on any day of the Shiva Nekiyim, and so is how Rabbanim Pasken.”; Beis David 2; Maharash Engel 1/50; Taharas Yisrael 196/29-30 and Beir Yitzchak 98 “Tis is obvious according to all”; Beis Efraim 48; See also Kinas Sofrim 45; Malbushei Taharah 6-8; Taharah Kehalacha 17/14-17 footnote 39
[44] The reason: As some Poskim rule that even one Bedika in any of the seven days suffices, and in a time of need one may be lenient like this opinion.
[45] Tzemach Tzedek Y.D. 123 regarding a woman with injury “It suffices for such a woman to do a Hefsek Taharah and the first day of the Shiva Nekiyim, and the other six days she is not to check”; Noda Beyehuda Tinyana 134 in end; Shiureiy Shevet Halevi 187/5-3 that so is final ruling; All the Melaktim [Taharah Kehalacha ibid and others] write that she is to have a clean Bedika on the first day. Vetzaruch Iyun for their source, being the Chavos Daas never writes that one cannot be Toleh the first day on an injury.
[46] According to the lenient opinion followed by this approach there is no difference if the clean Beidka was achieved on the 1st or 7th day. [See Taharah Kehalacha 17/17]
[47] The reason: As some Poskim rule a Bedika in the middle days is not valid.
[48] See Chavos Daas ibid “If she checked herself onetime in the morning of one of the days of Shiva Nekiyim and it was pure, then we establish all her other days as pure as well and depend any blood found to be from a Maka.” This implies that even if the first days Bedika came out with blood it is still valid, and we do depend the first days Bedika on an injury. Aruch Hashulchan ibid; Chochmas Adam ibid; Taharas Yisrael 196/29-30 and Beir Yitzchak 98 “Tis is obvious according to all”; Beis Efraim 48; See Taharah Kehalacha 17 footnote 39
[49] See Sidrei Taharah 196/15 that implies she needs to do on 1st and 7th; So told me Rav Asher Lemel, and so writes Taharah Kehalacha ibid “If possible she should also do one on the 7th day” however I have not found this in the Poskim, and on the contrary the Chavos Daas explicitly states it is not necessary to have a clean Bedika more than one time.
[50] This follows the stringent opinion who rules the Shiva Nekiyim is only valid if a Bedika was done on the 1st and 7th day.
[51] Tzemach Tzedek ibid; Noda Beyehuda 129; Taharah Kehalacha 17/15
[52] Shiureiy Shevet Halevi 187/5-3
[53] So told me Rav Asher Lemel Hakohen; Taharah Kehalacha ibid writes “If possible she should also do one on the 7th day”; Rav Yurslovsly ruled to me that she must do a Bedika on the 7th day but if it comes out dirty she can still be Toleh.
[54] See Taharah Kehalacha 17 footnote 36
[55] Tzemach Tzedek Y.D. 123 based on Zichros Yosef Y.D. 10 that she can circumvent the area of the wound; Emek Sheila Y.D. 44; Nefesh Chayah 63; Shevet Halevi 7/3; Kaneh Bosem 1/95-2; Taharah Kehalacha ibid that so he received in Shmiush Chachamim; Nitei Gavriel 56 footnote 27 that so he received from his Rabbanim
[56] See Sidrei Taharah Taharah Kehalacha ibid; Rav Kohen 5th of Kisleiv
[57] Rav Yuroslovsky
[58] Taharah Kehalacha 16/29; Shiureiy Shevet Halevi p. 291
[59] Michaber 196/6
[60] Terumos Hadeshen; Bach; Beis Yosef; Sidrei Taharah; ; Piskei Dinim 196/11; Shaareiy Tohar 16/6; Ben Ish Chaiy Tzav 2/15; Taharah ibid; Shiureiy ibid
[61] Rama ibid
[62] Kaneh Bosem 1/97
[63] Rav Farkash
[64] Pashut, as so long as she gets one clean Bedika it shows that her period did not come, and the previous Bedikas may all be dependent on the injury.
[65] Mishnas Yaakov 3/123; Nitei Gavriel 56/5
[66] 2nd opinion in Michaber ibid; Rebbe Eliezer in Mishneh Nidda 68b that 1st and 7th suffices; Rebbe Chanina in Nidda 69a that she must check on both 1st and 7th; Hagahos Maimanis on Rambam ibid in name of Raavan; Rabbeinu Simcha; Sefer Hateruma; Semag Lavin 111; Mordechai Nidda 737; Must be 1st and 7th: Noda Beyehuda Tinyana Y.D. 128, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 196/6 [unlike his ruling in Degul Merivava]; Lechem Vesimla 196/24 and 9 based on Raavad in Baal Hanefesh regarding Zava; Chesed Leavraham Kama Y.D. 62; Taharas Habayis 2/320; Shiureiy Shevet Halevi 196/9
[67] Degul Merivava, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 196/6, that this applies even according to Semag; Teshuvah Meahava 3/44
[68] Shoel Umeishiv in Sheol Yosef Daas Y.D. p. 97 that two Bedikos on any two days during the seven suffices; Aruch Hashulchan 196/25
[69] 1st and Stam opinion in Michaber ibid; Rav in Nidda 69a that she must check on either 1st or 7th; Rambam Issurei Biyah 6/21; Raavad in Baalei Hanefesh Shaar Sefira Vehabedika [any day, including middle]; Rosh Nidda 10/5 [any day, including middle]; Razah Sela Hamachlokes 36 and Reih [only 1st or 7th]; Ramban Nidda 2/3 [any day, including middle]; Rashba in Toras Habayis Bayis Shevi Shaar Chamishis Tur 10/196 [requires Bedika on 1st or 7th]; Rashbatz “1st or 7th”, brought in Lechem Vesimla 196/8
[70] 1st and Stam opinion in Michaber ibid; Raavad in Baalei Hanefesh Shaar Sefira Vehabedika [any day, including middle]; Rosh Nidda 10/5 [any day, including middle]; Ramban Nidda 2/3 [any day, including middle]
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