All scriptural villains have a counterpart in Kedusha:
There exists a Pharaoh and Sar Hamashkim in Kedusha: Just like Pharoah and the Sar Haofim exist in the world below, which is Kelipa, so too they also exist within the realm of Kedusha. Both exist within the realms of Kelipa and Kedusha, as Hashem made a counterpart of Kedusha for every level of Kelipa.
The level of Pharaoh in Holiness: The level of Pharaoh in the side of evil is a very tough and intense form of evil. Its correspondence in the side of holiness is a very intense and strong revelation of G-dliness and is the revelation of the word of G-d. With that said, having the Sar Hamashkim bring Pharaoh the cup of wine represents revealing a great love for G-d within one’s soul and accessing a great revelation of G-dliness.
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