A wise man has his eyes in his head – The spiritual meaning of this proverb

This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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C. A wise man has his eyes in his head: Torah or p. 85a-86b

Scripture states that “Hachacham Eiynav Berosho/A wise man has his eyes on his head.” Now, every individual, even the most dull and ignorant, contain eyes in their head and this physical bodily feature has nothing to do with wisdom. Accordingly, the verse must obviously be hinting to something deeper that is relevant only to one who is wise. The inner message behind the verse is that a wise man places his concentration and focus on that which is above his head, which is the source of his life and vitality, which is G-d. A wise man constantly reminds himself that the infinite light of G-d is what is responsible for his existence and hence he will constantly be brought to a state of love and passion for Him.

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