- The slingshot of evil and Kaf Hakela: [Likkutei Torah Acharei Mos]
Earlier we stated that the revelation of G-dliness onto the soul is similar to a spring or slingshot that is pulled down, as the revelation can only be retained onto the soul if the Jew pulls himself down, through humbling himself and his ego. Now, just as there exists a spiritual spring or slingshot in the side of holiness so too there exists one on the side of evil. Likewise, just as there exists a fire and flame of G-d, so too there exists a fire and flame of evil. Just as the G-dly flame resides on holy thought speech and action, so too the evil flame resides on evil thought, speech, and action, which represents all thought speech and actions that do not relate to G-d. Such matters are considered matters of shame, Kelon, as opposed to matters of honor, Kavod, as the verse states that “sages inherit honor while fools elevate shame.”
The slingshot of evil: Now, what precisely is the slingshot in the side of evil? It is a catapulting of the person soul into the depths of impurity to an even greater extent than his sin on its own. Just as the spring of holiness which is activated through nullification and divine service causes the soul to be catapulted to the infinite light of G-d, so too, the spring of evil causes the soul to be catapulted to the depths of evil which is very distant from Hashem and His divine light. How now does one leave this state of darkness after entering himself into it? In general, this is through repentance, and in particular, it is through the Ten days of repentance which is the most opportune time for one to return his soul to its root and poor out his soul with bitterness over the fact that he has become so distant from G-d. This is also accomplished through the blessing in the Amida prayer of Selach Lanu. This blessing is not just a mere request for forgiveness from sin but is a request to merit once again a revelation of closeness to G-d.
- The divine lesson: Sadness and depression is a global epidemic although statistically is said to be more prevalent in Western cultures, as wealthy countries tend to experience higher rates of depression. Also, most surprisingly, children of wealthy parents may have a higher chance of developing mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, over that of their peers who grow up in middle or low income households.[1] Why is this the case? Let us offer the following theory based on the above teaching: Those of middle and lower class [due to lack of choice] tend to fill their lives with more fulfilling and productive activities such as busying themselves in working to make a living. One who is busy working to cover his basic expenses does not have the time or money to involve himself in the vanities of the world as much as someone who lives comfortably and does not have to work as much. A wealthy person can allow himself more nonwork hours, vacations, pleasures, self gratifications, and involvement in nonproductive vanities of the world. Now, a person who involves himself in the productivity of the world is actually doing something very positive, and although is not necessarily involved in divine service, he is at least involved in contributing to civilization which is the will of G-d and makes himself a partner of G-d in creation.[2] Such an individual, while not necessarily involved in holiness, is also not involved in evil. However, one who indulges himself in unproductive activities [i.e. movies and video games] and matters of self gratification does not contribute to the world, and hence is not only considered to not be involved in holiness but is considered to be involved in matters of Kelipa of the world, as his action serve no purpose but gratifying himself. Now, being involved in Kelipa activity automatically catapults one’s soul to the depths of Kelipa which is a place devoid of G-dly revelation. This is a place of darkness, sadness, depression, and evil. Hence, the passing pleasure and self gratification enters one into a room of darkness which can have a much longer lasting effect on one’s soul than the pleasure he experienced. In short, boredom and lack of productivity leads to emptiness and depression. Chasing lusts and pleasures feels good during the experience, but catapults one to the darkness of the kingdom of evil. Leading a productive and healthy and holy lifestyle, is the recipe for true happiness which can only be found in the light of G-d.
[1] See https://psychcentral.com/depression/are-wealthy-people-more-depressed-than-others#depression-in-wealthy-countries ; https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0194642
[2] See Sanhedrin 99b; Likkutei Sichos Vol. 15 Lech Licha 4:3
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