In truth, a person does not receive suffering due to punishment for sin:[1]
Periods of suffering that one experiences throughout his lifetime is in truth not give by G-d as a punishment or retribution against sin. This can be proven from the fact that even Nebuchadnezzar, who was a constant provocative sinner, received as reward for walking three steps in G-ds honor to rule an entire kingdom.[2] Certainly, every Jew has honored G-d even more then Nebuchadnezzar and is therefore deserving to receive much physical blessing and abundance in this world. Rather the reason for suffering is to break one’s haughtiness, ego, and coarseness of heart. Hashem brings suffering to humble the Jew, thus allowing him to unite with Him and receive His Divine radiance.
[1] Torah Or Mikeitz p. 62
[2] Sanhedrin 96a
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