9. Announcing Kevater and Baruch Haba

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. Announcing Kevater and Baruch Haba:[1]

Upon the child entering the room, the word Kevater is announced.[2] After this is announced, the congregation recites Baruch Haba.[3]


[1] Shevach Habris 18:3; See Pesakim Uteshuvos 265:32; See Encyclopedia Talmudit Vol. 4 Erech Bris Mila p. 249 footnotes 47-54

[2] Koreis Habris Pesach Eliyahu 5; Habris Avos 7:1; Sefer Matamim Erech Mils 34

[3] Abudarham Brachos 9; Mateh Moshe Inyanei Mila 4:11; Zecher Dovid Mamar 1:68

The reason: The words Baruch Haba have the same numerical value as the number eight which corresponds to the child who is circumcised on the eighth day. [Abudarham ibid]

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