8. Standing by a Bris

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. Standing by a Bris:[1]

The custom is for all those present to stand throughout the entire ceremony of the Bris Milah starting from Kevater.[2] This is with exception to the Sandek who remains seated holding the child.


[1] Rama Y.D. 265:1; Siddur Admur have “and those who are standing there recite”; Ovadia Bartanura on Bikkurim 3:3; Kitzur Shulchan Aruch; Shevach Habris 18:2; See regarding that it is proper to stand in front of anyone who is performing a Mitzvah in one’s presence: Taz Y.D. 361:2 based on Michaber 361:4 and Tur 361 in name of Maharitz Geios and Yerushalmi who rules that one must stand by funeral because of the Gomlei Chassadim; and based on Kiddushin 33; Tanya chapter 46 “Therefore, the Sages obligated one to stand in front of one who is doing a Mitzvah even if he is a complete ignoramus” ; Ben Ish Chaiy Ki Seitzei 2:19; Pesakim Uteshuvos 265:5; See Encyclopedia Talmudit Vol. 4 Erech Bris Mila p. 249 footnote 46 and p. 251 footnotes 86-90 and 120-124

[2] The reason: This is based on the verse [Melachim 2 23:3] which states “and all of the nation stood up for the covenant.” [Rama ibid]

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