8. Having two people do the Milah and Periah

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8. Having two people do the Milah and Periah:[1]

It is disputed[2] whether one may have two people do the Milah and Periah, one person the Milah while the other the Periah, or if it all must be done by one person. [Practically the custom is to be lenient.[3] Some[4] rule that if the father of the child desires to do either the Milah or Periah and have another do the other part, then it is permitted according to all.[5]]


[1] Pesakim Uteshuvos 266:16

[2] Some Poskim rule that it is forbidden to have two different people perform the Milah. [Michaber Yoreh Deah 266:14] Other Poskim, however, rule that doing so is permitted, although initially one is to be stringent. [Rama ibid based on different manuscripts he found] Many Poskim however argue on this conclusion, ruling that even initially one may have two different people perform the Milah/Periah, and so was the widespread custom in Poland. [M”B 331:36]

[3] M”B ibid

[4] Eretz Tzevi 63

[5] As the Mohel is the emissary of the father and it is hence as if only one person is doing the Milah/Periah. [Admur ibid]

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