7. May one perform his first Bris on Shabbos?

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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7. May one perform his first Bris on Shabbos?[1]

It is forbidden for one who has never circumcised before to perform a circumcision on Shabbos[2] [even if he is the father of the child[3]]. Similarly, one who has never before performed Periah is forbidden to perform it on Shabbos. It is permitted for the father to circumcise his son on Shabbos if he has done so once in the past.[4]


[1] Admur 331:13; Michaber Y.D. 266:7; See Pesakim Uteshuvos 266:7

[2] The reason: As he may come to perform it incorrectly and hence end up desecrating Shabbos for no need. [Admur ibid]

[3] So is implied from Admur. However, there are Poskim which allow a father to do so even for the first time. [See Piskeiy Teshuvos 331:9]

[4] We do not claim that if another Mohel is available the father should not do so, due to that he is fixing his child which is Tikkun Keli [Admur ibid] as in truth every Mohel is fixing the child and not just the father. [M”B 331:39]

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