6. Is a Mila knife Muktzah on a Shabbos Bris?

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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6. Is a Mila knife Muktzah on a Shabbos Bris?[1]

The Milah knife is Muktzah[2] and remains Muktzah even when there is a Bris on Shabbos. [3] It may therefore only be moved for the purpose of performing the Bris. After the Bris is over, the knife remains forbidden to be moved for any purpose as is the law by all Muktzah objects.

Putting down and hiding the knife:[4] Nevertheless, one is not required to immediately place down the knife after the Mila and rather it may be brought by the Mohel to a safe area for it to be kept until after Shabbos. [However, once he puts down the knife, it can no longer be moved even for hiding purposes.[5]]

Washing off the knife:[6] It is forbidden to wash [or even clean[7]] the blood off the knife even while the knife is still in the Mohel’s hand.[8]


Is the foreskin Muktzah?[9]

The foreskin is considered Muktzah. Nevertheless, one may carry it to its destined place within the prepared earth.


[1] Admur 331:10 “A Mila knife is Muktzah Machmas Chisaron Kis and is forbidden to be moved with exception for use of the Mila.  It may not be moved to hide [after the Mila], and not even for its space or use, and certainly not for no need at all as was written in chapter 308 [Halacha 5].” Taz Y.D. 266; Magen Avraham 331; See Pesakim Uteshuvos 266:3

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that the knife is not Muktzah at all as something cannot be Muktzah for only part of Shabbos. [Rama Yoreh Deah 266:2; Shach Yoreh Deah 266:2; Nekudos Hakesef ibid] However, it may not be moved for no reason. [Nekudos Hakesef ibid]

[2] It is defined as Muktzah Machmas Chisron Kis

[3] This follows the ruling of the that even on a Shabbos Bris the knife is Muktzah.

The M”B 310:15 rules that in a time of need, such as there is suspicion of robbery, one may rely on this lenient opinion to hide the knife even after one already placed it down. The Sheivet Haleivi [4:135] rules likewise saying that majority of Poskim are lenient.

[4] Admur 331:10 “Nevertheless while the Mila knife is still within the Mohels hand after having circumcised with it he is permitted to carry it to any place of his wish and hide it there, as was explained there [308/13].”

[5] Admur ibid; Taz ibid

[6] Admur 331:10 “However it is forbidden to wash it even while in his hand as it is forbidden to wash vessels on Shabbos unless they serve a use for that day, as was explained in chapter 323 [Halacha 6]”

[7] Levushei Serud, brought in Pischei Teshuvah 266:3

[8] As one may only wash vessels on Shabbos if they have a Shabbos use. [323:6]

[9] See Rashal Teshuvah 40; Noda Beyehuda Tinyana Y.D. 162; Pischeiy Teshuvah Yoreh Deah 266:3; See Pesakim Uteshuvos 265:26

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