6. Fasting and Siyum Misechta on the day of the Yahrzeit

6. Fasting and Siyum Misechta on the day of the Yahrzeit:[1]

A. Fasting on the day of a Yahrzeit:[2]

It is a Mitzvah to fast on the day of one’s parents Yahrzeit.[3] If, however, the Yahrzeit occurs on Shabbos, or Rosh Chodesh, or any day that Tachanun is not recited, then one does not fast at all.[4] If the Yahrzeit occurs on Erev Shabbos, then one is to fast.[5] [Practically, it is no longer customary today to fast on the day of the Yahrzeit of a parent.[6] Nevertheless, many are accustomed to make a Siyum Misechta on the day of the Yahrzeit in order to exempt the fast, as explained in B. Likewise, one is to redeem the fast with giving money to charity.[7]]

Fasting on Yahrzeit of Torah Sage:[8] Some were accustomed to fast on the day of the passing of a Torah Sage. [This especially applies to the day of the passing of one’s Rebbe.[9] Practically, this is no longer the custom today, as stated above.[10]]

B. Siyum Misechta:[11]

Many are accustomed to make a Siyum Misechta on the day of the Yahrzeit.[12]

Siyum Misechta on Shabbos Yahrzeit:[13] One is not to make a Siyum Misechta on the day of a Yahrzeit if it falls on Shabbos.[14] Nonetheless, one is to make mention of a Siyum on this day.[15]


[1] See Piskeiy Teshuvos 568:7 and 14; Nitei Gavriel Vol. 2 chapter 72; See Chikrei Minhagim 4:123 for a lengthy discussion on this subject

[2] Michaber O.C. 568:8; Rama Y.D. 376:4; 402:12; Beis Yosef end of 376 and 403; Rivash; Kol Bo Aveilus 5:4; Maharam Mintz 12; Leket Yoser p. 98; Kitzur SHU”A 221:1; See Admur 249:12-13; 429:9; M”A O.C. 568:20; Toras Menachem 5749 2:184; Nitei Gavriel Vol. 2 Teshuvah 3

[3] Poskim ibid

The reason: The reason it is customary to fast on the day of a Yahrzeit is because it is a day in which one’s Mazal was worsened and there is Sakana. [Levush 402:12, brought in Shach 402:10; 1st reason in Maharam Mintz 9 and Leket Yosher p. 98] Alternatively, it is done in order to alleviate the judgment of the Niftar. [See Arizal in Shaar Hakavanos; Lechem Hapanim 376; 2nd reason in Maharam Mintz 9 and Leket Yoser p. 98; Mishmeres Shalom Yud 15 in name of Besht; Torah Lishmah 493; Nitei Gavriel 70:1; 72 footnote 1]

[4] Rama 568:9; 402:12; Levush; See Kaf Hachaim 568:98

Other opinions-Sephardim: Some Poskim rule the fast is to take place on Sunday. [Michaber 568:9; Devar Moshe 68; Poskim in Kaf Hachaim 568:94 and so he concludes] Other Poskim rule the fast is to take place on Friday. [Kavod Chachamim, brought in Lechem Hapanim 376; Pnei Aaron 27, brought in Kaf Hachaim 568:94] Other Poskim rule that one does not fast at all in such a situation. [Rama ibid] Practically, the Ashkenazi custom is not to fast at all, as rules Rama. The Sephardic custom, however is to fast the day before or the day after, if it falls on Shabbos. If, however, it falls on a day that Tachanun is not recited, then the custom is not to fast at all. [Yifei Laleiv 2:8; Kaf Hachaim 568:98]

[5] Rama 402:12; Admur 249:12; See Admur 249:13 regarding if one must fast until nightfall, or only until sunset

[6] Rebbe in Toras Menachem 9:115; 19:31; 5749 2:184, and Sichos Kodesh 5737 1:424, printed in Shulchan Menachem 5:318 and 321 and 323; Chelkas Yaakov 3:149; Orchos Rabbeinu 2:100 in name of Steipler and Chazon Ish; See Tzavaah of Maggid to his son, printed in Hatamim 7:17, that he should not fats but rather make a Seuda; Tur Barkat on 568; Darkei Hachaim 34:1; Mishmeres Shalom Yud 1; Piskeiy Teshuvos 568:7 footnote 40; Nitei Gavriel 73:1-2 footnote 3-4; See Chikrei Minhagim ibid that Rebbe Akiva Eiger instructed his children not to fast but to learn Torah

The reason: This is due to the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov who persuades one not to harm the body but to assist it, and in today’s generations the body is much weaker and cannot handle fasts as well. It is therefore forbidden to increase in fasts, as writes Admur in Igeres Hateshuvah chapter 3. On the contrary, the fact that Hashem made our generation weak is a sign that we no longer need the fasting to perform the Tikun, and the Tikkun can be accomplished through redeeming it in charity, adding in Torah learning, and having a celebratory occasion. [Rebbe ibid]

[7] Aruch Hashulchan 376:13; See Ashel Avraham Butchach 568; Nitei Gavriel 73:5 footnote 8

[8] Michaber Y.D. 378:4; Yerushalmi; See O.C. 580 for a list of Taanis Tzadikim

[9] M”A 568:20; Shlah; Many Poskim in Nitei Gavriel 73:1 footnote 2

[10] Beis Hillel 378:4; Rebbe in Toras Menachem 5749 2:184, printed in Shulchan Menachem 5:318

[11] Rebbe in Sichos Kodesh 5737 1:424 and Toras Menachem 5744 2:872, printed in Shulchan Menachem 5:321; Koveitz Or Yisrael 47:183; Gesher Hachaim 32; Nitei Gavriel 73:3; Piskeiy Teshuvos 568:7

[12] The reason: This is done in order to exempt the accustomed fast of this day. Just as we allow a Siyum to break the fast of Bechoros on Erev Pesach, so too Siyum can break the fast of a Yahrzeit, and even more so, as the fast of Bechoros is recorded in Miseches Sofrim, while the fast of a Yahrzeit is first recorded amongst the Rishonim. [See Rebbe ibid in Sichos Kodesh; Koveitz Or Yisrael ibid] Alternatively, it is done in order to fulfill one’s obligation according to all, as some hold that a Yom Hilula is to be a day of joy, while others hold it is to be a day of fasting. In order to fulfill one’s obligation according to all one makes a Siyum Misechta which obligates one to be Besimcha, even according to the approach which requires fasting. [Rebbe in Toras Menachem ibid]

[13] Toras Menachem 1984 2:873 and 5749 2:302 [brought in Shulchan Menachem 5:325]; See Koveitz Or Yisrael 47:183; The Rebbe himself would not make a Siyum when the Yahrzeit of his father or mother fell on Shabbos.

[14] The reason: As the entire reason behind the Siyum is to nullify the fast, and since when a Yahrzeit falls on Shabbos we anyways do not fast, there is therefore no reason for the Siyum. Furthermore, to make a Siyum on the Shabbos Yahrzeit as is normally done on a Yahrzeit can be viewed as belittling to the respect of Shabbos, as it could be interpreted as if also on Shabbos one ideally needs to fast. Therefore, it is better not to make a Siyum at all on the Shabbos of the Yahrzeit. [Rebbe ibid]

[15] Hisvadyus 5744 2:873; 5749 2:302

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