5. Paying the Mohel

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. Paying the Mohel:[1]

A Mohel may not demand payment in exchange for his service of performing the circumcision. The Jewish court is to reprimand such a Mohel who demands payment and refuses to do so for free, as this is not the way of the descendants of Avraham. On the contrary, it is customary for Mohalim to run after the Mitzvah of Mila not for the sake of money, but simply to fulfill the Mitzvah. [However, a number of exceptions to this rule are recorded, which effect that in the standard case, a Mohel may ask to be paid:[2] If the father knows how to circumcise and chooses not to do so, then the Mohel may demand payment.[3] Likewise, if another individual could have done the circumcision for free, then he may ask for compensation.[4] Likewise, the Mohel is entitled to receive Sechar Batala, which is a basic compensation of salary for the time he took to perform circumcision. This is in contrast to payment for his service. It goes without saying that he is entitled to be reimbursed for transportation and other expenses.]


[1] Rama Y.D. 261:1; Rashba 472; See Pesakim Uteshuvos 261:3

[2] See Raavad Shavuos 6:9; Taz 221:42;  Hagahos Yad Shaul 261; Pischeiy Teshuvah 261; Birkeiy Yosef 261:5; Aruch Hashulchan 261:6; Zocher Habris 261:2; 24; Divrei Sofrim 27; Pesakim Uteshuvos 261:3

[3] Rama ibid

[4] Pesakim Uteshuvos ibid

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