5. Learning Torah after midday on Shabbos Tisha B’av

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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5. Learning Torah after midday on Shabbos:

Before Midday:[1] When Tisha B’av falls on Shabbos and is pushed off to Sunday, some Poskim[2] rule it is forbidden to learn Torah on Shabbos. Others Poskim[3], however, rule one may learn until midday [or even past midday, as explained next] and so is the practical ruling.[4] When Tisha B’av [the 9th of Av] falls on Sunday and Shabbos is the 8th of Av, it is permitted according to all to learn Torah without limitation until midday.

After midday: When Erev Tisha B’av falls on Shabbos, some Poskim[5] rule one is to limit ones Torah learning on Shabbos, beginning from midday of Shabbos, to only those subjects that are permitted to be learned on Tisha B’av itself. Other Poskim[6] however rule one may learn as usual. [Accordingly, some Poskim[7] conclude that one who relies on these Poskim, and continues his regular learning sessions, is not to be protested. Practically, however, one should be stringent as writes the Rama, especially being that there are permitted Torah subjects that one can learn.[8]]

Pirkeiy Avos: See Halacha 7 by Mincha!



One is to limit his Torah learning starting from midday of Erev Tisha B’av to only those subjects permitted on Tisha B’av itself. Nevertheless, those which are lenient to continue their regular Torah sessions have upon whom to rely.


May one learn Chitas past midday?[9]

Initially, one is to complete his studies of Chitas prior to midday. However, if one was unable to do so he may study the regular Chitas studies until sunset.[10]


May one learn Rambam past midday?[11]

One is to complete the Rambam studies before midday. If he did not do so, then it is to be delayed until after Tisha B’av. [One however may study the laws of Aveilus in the Rambam even on Tisha B’av itself. Thus, during those years that the daily lesson for Tisha B’av is the laws of Aveilus there is no limit as to when it must be studied. Furthermore, some[12] are lenient all together, to allow learning all one’s set Shiurim of Torah until sunset, if he was unable to complete it before midday.]

May one say Tehillim after midday?[13]



May one read Shnayim Mikra after Chatzos of Shabbos Erev Tisha B’av if he has not yet done so?[14]


May an Avel recite Mishanyos after Mincha Erev Tisha B’av as he does throughout the regular year?

When Erev Tisha B’av falls on Shabbos, seemingly he is to recite the regular Mishnayos after Mincha.[15] However, some Rabbanim[16] hold that even in such a case he is to recite the Mishnayos of Moed Katan.


[1] See M”A 553:7

[2] Implication of M”A 553:7; Kitzur SHU”A 154:4; Chayeh Adam 136:4; Leket Yosher p. 110

[3] Maharam Lublin brought in M”A ibid; Maharil 44; Mateh Moshe 718; Kaf Hachaim 553:18

[4] Nitei Gavriel 92:1

[5] Rama 553:2; Darkei Moshe 554; Teshuvos Maharil 44; M”A 553:7; Levush 553; Elya Raba 553:4; Mateh Yehuda 553; Kneses Hagedola 554; Degul Merivava 553; Derech Hachaim 1

[6] Taz 553:2 in name of Rashal that he learned after Chatzos by all years of Erev Tisha B’av; Mamar Mordechai 553:2; Aruch Hashulchan 553:4

[7] M”B 553:8

[8] M”A ibid; Kaf Hachaim 553:18; Luach Kolel Chabad; The Rebbe in numerous Sichos records the prohibition of learning past Chatzos; Mamar Mordechai states that although one may be lenient in order to avoid Bittul torah however one who is able to limit his learning to the permissible subjects- Kadosh yomar lo. [brought in Biur Halacha “Vilichein”]

[9] Kaf Hachaim 553:18; Hiskashrus 889

[10] The reason: As even on Tisha B’av itself we allow learning one’s set Torah sessions past midday. Hence, certainly on Erev Tisha B’av that learning is merely a custom which some even allow, one may be lenient past midday.

[11] Based on the lesson schedule of Rambam edited by the Rebbe; Hiskashrus 889

[12] Kaf Hachaim 553:18

[13] Divrei Malkiel 6:20; Nitei Gavriel 50:8

[14] Zechor Leavraham 553:9; Chayeh Adam 136:4; Kaf Hachaim 553:19

[15] Likkutei Sichos 14:185

The reason: As otherwise it is Aveilus Bifarhesya, and so exclaimed the Rebbe to Rav Groner that he is surprised at the ruling of the Rabbanim who ruled to him to say the Mishnayos of Moed Katan. [See Yoman of Rav Groner 1988]

[16] Answer of Beis Din to the Rebbe upon him asking which Mishnayos he is to recite, and so did the Rebbe that year, he recited from Moed Katan

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