4. The penalty if one is not circumcised after reaching adulthood

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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4. The penalty if one is not circumcised after reaching adulthood:[1]

Once a child reaches the age of adulthood, then he is liable for the penalty of excision if he remains uncircumcised.[1] [However, some Poskim[2] rule that a person is not liable for the penalty of excision until he reaches the age of 20 years old]

Transgress Kareis every day that does not do Mila:[3] An adult male Jew who was not circumcised as a child transgresses the penalty of excision every single day that he remains uncircumcised from the day that he reaches adulthood.


[1] Michaber ibid

[2] Yad Avraham 261 in name of Rambam Pirush Hamishnayos Sanhedrin 7:4; Rav Poalim 3 O.C. 37

[3] Rama ibid; Tur ibid

[1] Michaber and Rama Y.D. 261:1; See Encyclopedia Talmudit Vol. 46 Erech Mila p. 414-421 footnotes 139-207

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