4. Preparing a cup of earth for the Mila

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. Preparing a cup of earth:[1]

A cup filled with earth or sand is to be prepared prior to the circumcision for the sake of placing the foreskin and Metzitza blood inside.

Shabbos:[2] If the Bris falls on Shabbos, then the earth must be prepared before Shabbos.[3] [If it was not prepared before Shabbos then it may not be moved and in such a case one is simply not to use any earth.[4]]


[1] See Michaber and Rama Y.D. 260:10; Shevach Habris 18:6

[2] Michaber Y.D. 260:10; Tur 260:10; Levush 260; Shevach Habris 18 footnote 18

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that even if the earth was prepared from before Shabbos it may not be used on Shabbos due to a decree that one may bring earth on Shabbos itself. Practically, however, the custom is to permit using earth that was prepared from before Shabbos. [See Shach 260:20; Bach 260]

[3] The reason: As otherwise the earth is considered Muktzah and is forbidden to be moved on Shabbos  even for the sake of a mitzvah. [Levush ibid]

[4] Levush ibid; Aruch Hashulchan 260:32

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