4. May one place meat and milk items on the same table if one is not eating on it?

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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4. May one place meat and milk items on the same table if one is not eating on it?[1]

It is permitted to place meat and milk on the same serving table, one next to the other, so long as no one is eating on the table. [The foods, however, are to remain a far enough distance from each other so they do not spill or splash on to the other.[2]]



May one place meat and milk on the same shelf in a fridge or shelf of a closet?[3]

Yes. This is allowed so long as the foods are not touching each other.

May one place meat and milk on the same counter top?[4]

Yes. This is allowed so long as they are not touching each other, and the counter is clean from any of the opposite food.



[1] Michaber 88:1; Hakashrus 10:25

[2] Kaf Hachaim 88:8

[3] Hakashrus 10:25

[4] Hakashrus 10:25

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