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3. Mantling a tented roofing on Shabbos:[1]
A. The law:[2]
Biblical-If it has a handbreadths width on its top:[3] [Regarding] a tent which is angled, if it has on its top a consecutive[4] roof the width of one handbreadth [which is not slanted at all throughout that handbreadth], or even if it does not have a handbreadth on its top but it contains the width of a handbreadth within less than three handbreadths near its head, being that [all items] less than three handbreadths [apart from each other] are considered attached and it is thus considered as if it has on its top a roofing that is a handbreadth wide, then this is considered a permanent tent if it was made to last[5] and one who sets it up on Shabbos is liable for building and one who dismantles it is liable for destroying just like [one who] destroys a complete building.
Rabbinical-If it does not have a handbreadths width on its top:[6] However if it’s top does not have a roof [the width of a] handbreadth and [as well] does not have within three handbreadths near its top the width of a handbreadth, then this is considered a temporary tent and one who initially makes this [tent] on Shabbos is exempt [from the Biblical prohibition] although it is Rabbinically forbidden whether to mantle or dismantle it, even if it is not made to last at all.[7]
B. Initially draping a sheet and the like over a bar on Shabbos:[8]
[Thus] For example, a folded sheet which is folded over a [horizontal] bar, meaning that half of it is hanging from one side of the bar and half from the other side and both of its ends touch the ground and one enters and sleeps in the shade [that has been formed] between the two ends, then it is forbidden to initially hang it on Shabbos even though it does not have a roof [the width of a] handbreadth and does not have within three handbreadths near its top the width of a handbreadth.[9]
Spreading a sheet over a bar which is designated for this purpose:[10] The bed canopy of a groom[11] which its roof[12] does not have a roof [the width of a] handbreadth and does not have within three handbreadths near its top the width of a handbreadth, since it is prepared for this purpose it is permitted to mantle [the canopy sheet over the rod] and to dismantle it on Shabbos, as long as it does not droop the length of a handbreadth below the [walls of the] bed. [See below for the full details of this Halacha]
C. Opening a sheet that was wrapped on a bar from before Shabbos in order to form a tent:[13]
If the material has strings attached which when pulled spread open the tent: [In all cases, even if the bar is not designated for this purpose] if [the sheet] was wrapped on the bar from before Shabbos and it has on its rim strings that are hanging which one pulls at while on the bar in order to spread the sheet to both sides [of the bar], then it is permitted to pull at these strings on Shabbos. [The reason for this is] because since these strings are hanging on it from before Shabbos in order to be pulled at to spread [the sheet], therefore they help [to allow one to be spread it on Shabbos] just like as if it were spread the width of one handbreadth from before Shabbos, in which case by doing so on Shabbos one is only adding to a temporary tent [which is allowed].[14]
Dismantling a tent which was legally mantled on Shabbos:[15] It is likewise permitted to dismantle it from this bar as any tent which is allowed to be mantled and [thus] does not involve [the] building [prohibition], then it likewise does not involve [the] destroying [prohibition] and is [thus] permitted to be dismantled.
[However, this is] with exception to when one adds onto a tent that was [the width of] a handbreadth from before Shabbos, in which case it is only permitted to dismantle the material that was added [on Shabbos] however not the part of the tent that was [already] built from before Shabbos. Despite this, nevertheless it is allowed here [by the sheet case above] to remove the sheet from the bar [on Shabbos] being that here there was never actually a tent the width of a handbreadth from before Shabbos and its only that the strings help [to allow to spread it] just like does having the width of a handbreadth [from before Shabbos].
Spreading the sheets in a case that the bar is a handbreadth wide:[16] The above [allowance to pull at the strings to spread the sheets] however only applies if it does not have a roof [the width of a] handbreadth and does not have within three handbreadths near its top the width of a handbreadth. However, if it does have a roof [the width of a] handbreadth or within three handbreadths near its top the width of a handbreadth, in which case it is a permanent tent, then the strings do not help at all as even to add to a permanent tent is forbidden. [Furthermore] even if this sheet is not meant to last over here as he intends to dismantle it, nevertheless since it is mantled in the same way as a permanent tent, [therefore] the Sages were not lenient by it at all.
The reason for this is because:[17] [The Sages suspected that] one may change his mind and decide to permanently have the sheets remain spread this way, and it thus ends up that he has added a permanent tent [on Shabbos]. They were only lenient to allow one to add to a temporary tent in a case that it is not usual at all to permanently leave it the way that it has been spread, such as by spreading mats over poles or on the ship as written above [in Halacha 2 and 8] as [by these cases] it is not usual at all to permanently leave the mats there the way they have been spread on Shabbos, and the same applies for all similar cases [that it is not usual to permanently spread a roofing there that it is permitted to be added to on Shabbos].
D. Spreading a sheet over the bar of the bed canopy of a groom:[18]
The bed canopy of a groom[19] which its roof[20] does not have a roof [the width of a] handbreadth and does not have within three handbreadths near its top the width of a handbreadth, since it is prepared for this purpose it is permitted to mantle [the canopy sheet over the rod] and to dismantle it on Shabbos, as long as it does not droop the length of a handbreadth below the [walls of the] bed.[21]
The reason for why it may not droop a handbreadth below the bed is:[22] because the canopy is meant to protect one from the sun or from other matters and thus has the status of a roofing on it although [that in actuality it is] without a roof. Thus, [when] it droops the length of a handbreadth below the bed, the bed serves as a roof for the one handbreadth wall [canopy] which now surrounds the bed. Now, although the bed is not made to protect and is thus not considered under the status of a roofing, nevertheless since the one handbreadth wall has the status of a roofing being that it is a part of the canopy which is meant for protection, it thus comes out that there is here a tent with a roof.
The permission to have sheets and tablecloths droop below their surface:[23] However a bed which does not have a canopy, then even though that its sheet which is spread on it droops one handbreadth below the [walls of the] bed on all its sides, [nevertheless] this does not pose a problem, as although that the bed has become a roofing for this one handbreadth wall, there is no Halachic status of a roofing here at all neither on the handbreadth or on the bed.[24] For this reason it is [likewise] permitted to spread a tablecloth over a table initially on Shabbos even if it droops one handbreadth below the table on all its sides.
Summary Biblically: A slanted tent [made for sleeping in and the like[25]] is only Biblically prohibited from being initially mantled or dismantled if it contains a top which is at least one handbreadth wide and is permanent. The top area is measured from the very top up to three Tefach down. Thus, if there is one Tefach wide of roofing within three Tefach from the top then it is considered to be one Tefach wide.
Rabbinically: If the top is less than one handbreadth wide, then it is Rabbinically forbidden to mantel or dismantle this tent even if it is not made to last at all.[26]
Completely permitted to set up a temporary slanted tent if all the following conditions apply: Scenario A:[27] 1. The roofing is less than one handbreadth wide on its top and within three Tefach. [see above for definition of top] And 2. The tent material was already wrapped around the set-up roofing from before Shabbos, And 3. The material has strings which can be pulled and unravel the tent. And 4. When done as a canopy over a bed and the like the sheet may not dangle down a handbreadth below the walls of the bed If all the above is fulfilled, then one may pull at these strings on Shabbos and unravel the tent.
Scenario B:[28] 1. The roofing is less than one handbreadth wide. And 2. The roofing is prepared and designated for this purpose. And 3. When done as a canopy over a bed and the like the sheet may not dangle down a handbreadth below the walls of the bed In both of the above cases one may likewise completely unravel the material from the roofing.
May one spread a tablecloth over a table if it will drop down a handbreadth below the table?[29] Yes, as the tablecloth is not set up to serve as a roofing.
May one make a makeshift tent for children to play, such as to place a sheet over two chairs to play under it? No.
May children spread a sheet over a table in order to make a tent? No.[30]
May one set up a camping tent on Shabbos? No.
If one bound the tent to the frame of the tent before Shabbos, may one open and spread it on Shabbos? If the sheet will hover over a Tefach area within three Tefach from the center frame, then it is forbidden to do so even if one tied it with strings which can be removed and have the material fall on the frame. If one already made the roof of the tent, and only needs to make the walls: Then if the walls are temporary, some[31] write it is permitted to do so. Vetzaruch Iyun if this will create a Tefach within three Tefach, or will add to an already existing Tefach.[32]
May one spread a sun or rain cover over a baby carriage on Shabbos?[33] The Poskim[34] rule that it is forbidden to make a tent on Shabbos for protection purposes by placing the material over a surface and having the material then dangle from the two sides, hence making a tent in between. Accordingly, it should remain forbidden to ever place a rain covering over a stroller, as by doing so one is making a tent.[35] However, in truth, since the open hood of a stroller is recognizably there for protection purposes, therefore, adding the plastic material and having it form walls like a tent is simply like adding a temporary hovering to an already established Tefach hovering which is allowed, and hence we don’t care if the material now forms a Tefach hovering.[36] |
May one who is sleeping under a table spread a sheet over the table in order to create a tent and block the light? May children play tent on Shabbos? No.[37]
If the table already had a tablecloth of a Tefach down may one add a sheet to it for the sake of sleeping under it? This matter requires further analysis.
May one lean a non-Muktzah board on the wall and sleep under it? Seemingly, it is permitted to do so as this is not similar to a tent at all. Vetzaruch Iyun
[1] See Piskeiy Teshuvos 315:18
[2] Admur 315:15; Michaber 315:8; Shabbos 138
[3] Admur ibid; Implication of Michaber ibid; M”B 315:34
[4] Meaning that it is a single piece of material that is a handbreadth in width, as will be explained from the second scenario to come.
[5] Admur ibid; Rambam 22:27; M”B 315:34; Shaar Hatziyon 315:39; See Nodah Beyehuda Tinyana 30
[6] Admur ibid; M”A 315:10; Implication of Michaber ibid; Rambam ibid; Rif; Rabbeinu Chananel; M”B 315:35
Other opinions: There are some Rishonim that hold that such a tent is permitted to be made even initially on Shabbos if it is not meant to last at all. [Rashi; Rosh; brought in P”M 315 A”A 8; M”B 315:35]
[7] Admur ibid; M”B ibid; Biur Halacha “KOl Ohel”
[8] Admur 315:16; Shabbos 138a; Rif; M”B 315:37
[9] The reason: As one is creating walls which act to protect from the sun, and this is an Ohel. [Rashi Shbbos 138a]
[10] Admur 315:18; Michaber 315:10
[11] This refers to a canopy which hangs over a single rod that is supported by a pole in the middle of each end of the bed, similar to a tent. Other bed canopies are supported by four vertical poles which stand on the four corners of the bed. [Rashi Shabbos 138b]
[12] Meaning the horizontal rod that is placed above the bed in order to have the canopy drooped over, forming a tent over the bed.
[13] Admur 315:16; Michaber 315:10; Shabbos 138a
[14] Admur ibid; M”B 315:37
[15] Admur ibid; Michaber 315:10
[16] Admur 315:17; M”A 315:12; M”B 315:37
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that it is permitted to make the tent by pulling the strings even if it will create a Tefach roof. [P”M 315 M”Z 10 brought in Shaar Hatziyon 315:45]
[17] Admur 315:17
[18] Admur 315:18
[19] This refers to a canopy which hangs over a single rod that is supported by a pole in the middle of each end of the bed, similar to a tent. Other bed canopies are supported by four vertical poles which stand on the four corners of the bed. [Rashi Shabbos 138b]
[20] Meaning the horizontal rod that is placed above the bed in order to have the canopy drooped over, forming a tent over the bed.
[21] Admur ibid; Michaber ibid; Shabbos 138b
[22] Admur ibid; Rashi ibid; Rashba; M”B 315:41
[23] Admur ibid; Taz 315:7; M”B 315:41
[24] The reason: The reason for this is because there is no space between the sheet and the bed, and it is hence not an Ohel. [M”B ibid in name of M”A] However from Admur ibid [based on Rashba and Taz] it is implied that the reason is because the bed and the sheet is not meant for protection. The practical ramification would be in a case that one desires to sleep under the bed and place sheets over it in all directions in the form of a tent. [See Taz 315:7-8]
[25] Admur 315:16
[26] Admur 315:15
[27] Admur 315:16
[28] Admur 315:18
[29] Admur 315:18
[30] As one may not make even a temporary tent on Shabbos, and certainly here that the table is a Tefach it is forbidden.
[31] SSH”K 24:16
[32] See Kaf Hachaim 315:61; PT 315:18 footnote 177
[33] Background regarding if doing so is similar to making a tent and should hence be forbidden due to the tent prohibition:
[34] Admur 315:15-18; Michaber 315:8; Shabbos 138
[35] See Piskeiy Teshuvos 315 footnote 99 who implies that indeed if the plastic covering will form a slant of one Tefach within three Tefachim, then it is forbidden
[36] See Tosefes Shabbos 315:18 “Before Shabbos the tent needs to have a tefach opened before Shabbos”; Kaf Hachaim 315:61; Piskeiy Teshuvos 315:8
[37] As since the purpose of the Mechitzos of the walls is for protection purposes and it contains more than a Tefach of a top surface, therefore it has the same status as making a tent on Shabbos, which is forbidden. It is also no different than placing a canopy over a Chasans bed which is forbidden if it has a roof of a Tefach.
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