3. Circumcising two babies at same time

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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Circumcising two babies at same time: [Achronim]

When circumcising two babies on the same day, some Poskim[1] rule that one is not to recite a single blessing on behalf of both children and circumcise them simultaneously due to Ayin Hara. Other Poskim[2], however, rule it is permitted to do so. Practically, the custom is like the former opinion.[3]


[1] Perisha E.H. 62, brought in Chelkas Mechokeik 62:3, as rules Rama E.H. 62:2 regarding a Chupah

[2] Michaber and Rama Y.D. 265:5; Taz 265, brought in Chelkas Mechokeik 62:3

[3] See Pesakim Uteshuvos 265:18

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