2. Attending a Bris

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. Attending a Bris:[1]

It is a Mitzvah to attend a Bris.[2] Whoever attends a Bris his sins are atoned for.[3] Whoever attends a Bris is considered that he has accepted the face of the divine presence.[4] Whoever attends a Bris receives an additional soul just like on Shabbos and Yom Tov. He merits to fulfill all the Torah.[5] One may even nullify Torah study for the sake of attending a Bris.[6]

One who is invited and does not participate:[7] Any individual who was invited to participate in the festive meal of the Bris, and does not participate in the eating is considered excommunicated in heaven. [This however only applies to the meal of the Bris, and not to the actual ceremony. Due to this, the father should not explicitly invite people to the meal of the Bris and should rather simply inform them of the time of the ceremony and the meal. Likewise, the Gabaiy of a shul should not announce that the father is inviting the congregants to the Bris, and rather he should simply state the time and location of the ceremony.[8]]


[1] Shevach Habris 14:3; See Pesakim Uteshuvos 265:21 and 39

[2] Bris Avos 6:1 based on Tikkunei Zohar Tikkun Ayin

[3] Bnei Yissachar Mamarei Chodesh Tishrei Mamar 4 in name of Midras; See Tosafus Pesachim 114a; Bris Avos 5:31; 6:8

[4] Mavor Yabok Eter Anan Haketores 5; Bris Avos 6:8

[5] Klalei Hamila p. 10; Hagahos Beir Yaakov

[6] Elya Raba 687:3; Zechor Leavraham O.C. 1:40; Bris Avos 6:1; See Koreis Habris 265:60

[7] Rama 265:12; Pischeiy Teshuvah 265:18; Derech Pikudecha Mitzvas Mila; Kitzur SHU”A 163:8; Zocher Habris 25:10-12; Otzer Habris 17:5; Article of Rav A”C Naah in Ohalei Sheim 5:31; Shevach Habris 19:2; Pesakim Uteshuvos 265:39

[8] See Pischeiy Teshuvah 265:18; Otzer Habris 17:5; Shevach Habris 19:2; Pesakim Uteshuvos 265:39

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