15. Zeh Hakisei and Verses recited by Mohel

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. Zeh Hakisei and Verses recited by Mohel:[1]

Upon the baby being placed on the chair of Eliyahu, the Mohel is to announce “Zeh Hakisei Shel Eliyahu,” and recite other verses as printed in the Siddur. [This verbal designation of the chair for Eliyahu is extremely important as the Zohar implies that without it being announced Eliyahu does not come.[2]]


[1] Siddur Admur; Michaber 265:11; Shevach Habris 18:5

[2] See Zohar 1:93; Tolas Yaakov Sod Bris Mila; Shelah Miseches Chulin; Zocheir Habris 20:1; Otzer Habris 15:18

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