13. Mentioning the name of one’s parent

13. Mentioning the name of one’s parent:[1]

Upon mentioning one’s parents on the Yahrzeit [or anytime past 12 months from the passing] one is to say “Zichronam Livracha.”[2] There is no difference between a father and mother in this regard.[3] See Chapter 23 Halacha 18!


[1] Michaber 240:1; Kiddushin 31b; Nitei Gavriel 70:18

[2] Other Nussach: The Talmud ibid and Tur states to say “Zichronam Levracha Lechayey Olam Haba”, one is thus to write זללה”ה. [Taz 24:13]

[3] Rama ibid; Maharil 24;

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