13. Iruiy Keli Rishon/Pouring from a Keli Rishon onto uncooked food

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13. Iruiy Keli Rishon/Pouring from a Keli Rishon onto uncooked food:

Definition:[1] The pouring of the content of a Keli Rishon that is Yad Soledes onto a food or liquid.

Pouring onto spices:[2] It is forbidden to place spices in a plate and pour onto them from [the content of] a Keli Rishon which is Yad Soledes, being that the pouring from a Keli Rishon cooks the outer layer [of the food that it is poured on].

If one transgressed and poured it:[3] If one [transgressed and] poured it, then the outer layer is forbidden being that it was cooked on Shabbos.

Pouring onto cold water:[4] One is allowed to transfer hot water from a Keli Rishon onto [any amount[5] of] cold water. [See Q&A for final ruling]

The reason for why one may pour from a Keli Rishon into cold water is:[6] because [the Sages] only said that the pouring of [the content of] a Keli Rishon cooks when pouring hot [liquid] onto spices and the like being that the hot [liquid] does not literally get absorbed into the food and rather hits it [from the outside] with its stream and thus cooks it. However [when] water [is poured into] water it mixes and [thus] the stream does not have the ability to cook the water that is underneath it, and rather the water that is underneath it overpowers it and cools off the upper water [that was poured onto it].

Placing a Davar Gush onto cold water:[7] It is forbidden to place a piece of hot meat which is Yad Soledes into cold [liquid] gravy.

The reason for this is: because since [the meat] does not actually mix into the gravy, it thus cooks the outer layer that surrounds [the gravy] prior to the gravy having a chance to overpower it and cool it down.

Regarding pouring onto pre-cooked foods, this would have the same law as placing them into a Keli Rishon as explained above in Halacha 7 and 9A, See there! [Regarding pouring onto precooked liquids which have cooled down-See Q&A]


Summary-Iruiy Keli Rishon:

Onto water/liquid[8]: One is allowed to pour hot Keli Rishon liquid onto cold water. [see Q&A] However a Keli Rishon solid [Davar gush] may not be placed into any cold liquid.

Onto spices and other uncooked foods[9]: Has the same laws as a Keli Rishon itself, and is thus forbidden, [with exception to dry, lean ox meat as explained there].

If one transgressed[10]: The outer layer of the food is forbidden to be eaten on Shabbos.

Pouring onto pre-cooked foods: Has the same laws as placing it into a Keli Rishon.



May one pour from a Keli Rishon onto the outside walls of a vessel which contains food?[11]

So long as the food in there is permitted to be placed into a Keli Sheiyni [it is either a liquid or a spice, as will be explained] then it is allowed, as the walls of the pot take the place of the peel worth that the heat of the pouring is able to cook.

If the stream being poured from the Keli Rishon is not attached to its source by the time it hits the food is it still considered like the pouring of a Keli Rishon?[12]

No, it is considered like a Keli Sheiyni. It is only considered the pouring of a Keli Rishon if by the time it makes contact with the food the stream is still attached to its source.[13]

Is hot water which comes from the sink considered the pouring of a Keli Rishon?[14]

Yes.[15] This applies even if the boiler from which the water is coming from is no longer on, so long as the water in the boiler is still Yad Soledes.[16]

If one pours from a Keli Rishon onto the inner walls of a pot of food, having it flow from the wall of the pot onto the food, does that water still have the status of the pouring of a Keli Rishon?[17]

If by the time the stream reaches the food, it is no longer attached to the content of the Keli Rishon then it has the status of a Keli Sheiyni. If it remains still attached, then it has the status of the pouring of a Keli Rishon.


May one pour from a Keli Rishon onto a food which had already been poured on from a Keli Rishon from before Shabbos?[18]

No.[19] However some Poskim[20] are lenient to permit it.

If the food being poured on was previously soaked in a Keli Rishon may one pour a Keli Rishon onto it?[21]

There is an opinion which is stringent even in this case although seemingly in a time of need one may be lenient.

May one pour from a very hot Keli Sheiyni onto a food?[22]

Yes, as although with regards to placing food in it, it has the status of a Keli Rishon, nevertheless with regards to pouring, it has the same laws as pouring from a Keli Sheiyni.[23]

May one pour hot water from the urn into his tradition soup?



Q&A on pouring liquid/food from a Keli Rishon onto cold water

Is there any maximum amount of Keli Rishon water that is allowed to be poured onto the cold water?

Some Poskim[24] rule there is no differentiation regarding the amount of hot water being poured or the amount of cold water one is pouring into, and in all cases it is permitted, and so is the ruling of Admur.[25] The reason for this is because the hot water mixes in right away into the cold water and thus does not have the time to cook even a Kelipa of it. Other Poskim[26] however hold that one may only pour hot water into cold water if the cold water will not reach Yad Soledes. Practically, by liquids which have been previously cooked, such as precooked water, milk or tea essence [which contains no leaves], from the letter of the law one may be lenient like the first opinion to pour Keli Rishon water onto any amount of the cooled off liquid. Nevertheless, it is proper to be stringent.[27] However, regarding pouring from a Keli Rishon onto uncooked liquids, such as uncooked water/milk, one must be stringent like the second opinion.[28]

Must one dry his cup/plate prior to pouring water from a Keli Rishon into it?[29]

  • Example: One takes a washed clean glass cup from the dish wrack to make himself a coffee on Shabbos. Must one dry his cup prior to pouring into it? What about if one is taking a second serving, must he dry his cup prior to re-pouring hot water into it? Based on the above, may a Shul or family set up a designated Keli Sheiyni cup which everyone uses to pour their hot water into even though it is not dry in between usages.

If the liquid in the cup/plate is liquid that has never been previously cooked: Prior to pouring Keli Rishon water into a cup or other utensil one must verify that that the cup/utensil is dry.[30] Some Poskim[31] however rule it suffices to merely shake out the liquid from the cup/plate as opposed to fully drying it.[32] Other Poskim[33] however rule that one may not be lenient in this matter and the cup must be completely dry. Practically, although one who is lenient has upon whom to rely, one should try to be stringent whenever possible, and use a dry cup/plate, or dry it in a permitted method. [When drying one’s cup one may not use a cloth due to chance that one may come to squeeze liquid from it.[34] Rather one should use his finger to dry it.]

If the liquid in the cup is from liquid that has been previously cooked:[35] If the liquid in the cup/plate has been previously cooked, as commonly occurs when pouring a second serving onto a plate/bowl or cup, then even if the leftover liquid has fully cooled down, one may pour from the Keli Rishon onto it.[36] [Thus, one may designate a set cup to be used as a Keli Sheiyni to pour from it onto a Keli Shelishi of tea/coffee and is not required to use a new Keli Sheiyni for every time one pours. One does not have to dry the set Keli Sheiyni prior to each use, even if the liquid has already cooled off.]

May one pour from a Keli Rishon onto water even if the Keli Rishon is still on the fire?[37]

Yes, although the Minchas Yitzchak rules stringently in this. Thus, according to the Minchas Yitzchak one may not open the hot water tab and have it poured into cold water.


May one pour from a Keli Rishon onto oil?

The Ketzos Hashulchan[38] writes that this is forbidden being that water does not mix well into oil and will thus cook the oil.[39]

May one pour hot water onto a plate which has fat smeared on it, such as to rinse it off?[40]

No, as doing so melts the fat and is prohibited due to Molid.

May one place a Davar Gush Keli Rishon into a large amount of water?[41]

No, as it will cook the surrounding area of the water.

May one place a Davar Gush Keli Rishon on a slightly wet plate?[42]

No, as it will cook the liquid. Thus, one must make sure the plate is dry. Thus, if there is oil on one’s plate one may not place any food on it from a Keli Rishon.

May one pour soup into a wet bowl taken from the drain?

One may use a ladle to pour soup into the bowl.[43] However if the ladle being used has remained for some time within the soup then it is best to dry the bowl prior to doing so.[44]

May one pour a second serving of soup into his bowl which contains leftovers?


May one place a hot piece of food on his plate if his plate contains leftovers foods?

No, unless the food being placed on his plate has been placed in a Keli Sheiyni, and is not a Davar Gush according to those which are stringent in regards to it.[46] One is thus required to clean the plate prior to placing food on it. It is very common to occur that the lower plate of the main dish holds crumbs and other leftovers, and thus may not have Keli Rishon foods placed on them. Caution are must be taken in this matter.

May one place a hot egg from a Keli Rishon into a cup of water to cool it down?[47]

No, as explained above.


May one rinse off a hot Keli Rishon egg under a faucet of cold water?[48]

Yes, as the water moves so rapidly off the egg, being that the egg is smooth, that it does not have time to cook.


May one rinse a hot piece of meat under a faucet of cold water?[49]

If the meat is a Keli Rishon then according to all one may not do so as the liquid enters into the crevices of the meat and gets cooked. However, if the meat has been placed in a Keli Sheiyni then this would be dependent on the dispute regarding whether or not a Davar Gush can still cook in a Keli Sheiyni.

May one place a Keli Rishon vessel/pot in cold water in order to cool off the vessel/pot?[50]

No, just like was explained by a Davar Gush. However, some Poskim[51] are lenient in this matter.

May one place a Keli Rishon pot onto a wet surface/counter/towel?[52]


May one place a hot pot which has been emptied of its food into a sink filled with water?[53]

Only if there is so much water in the sink that it will not be able to become Yad Soledes through placing the pot there.

May one pour cold water into a hot Keli Rishon pot which has been emptied of its food?[54]

This is only allowed if he pours so much water into it that it will not be able to become Yad Soledes. This entire amount of water must be placed in simultaneously.

May one remove a pot from the fire using a wet towel.[55]




[1] Admur 318:19

[2] Admur 318:19; Michaber 318:10; See Shach Y.D. 105:5

[3] Admur 318:19; M”A 318:32; M”B 318:74

[4] Admur 318:20; Taz 318:18; Tosafus Pesachim 40b; Tur 318; Rashba, Ran and Rif on Shabbos 20a; Elya Raba Y.D. 68; Peri Megadim Yoreh Deah 68; Iglei Tal Ofeh 29; Tzemach Tzedek Mishnayos Shabbos 3:5, brought in Ketzos Hashulchan 124:12 footnote 31, and Tehila Ledavid 318, in understanding of Michaber/Admur.

Other opinions:  Some Poskim rule that pouring onto a minute amount of cold water forbidden. [M”A 318:35; Tosafus Shabbos 42a that pouring on a minute amount of cold water is forbidden; Tzemach Tzedek Mishnayos Shabbos 3:5, brought in Ketzos Hashulchan 124:12 footnote 31; P”M 318 A”A 35; Gr”a; Chayeh Adam; Tehila Ledavid 318:28; M”B 318:78 and 85; Biur Halacha 318 ”Vehu Shelo”; Kaf Hachaim 318:130; Ketzos Hashulchan 124:11-12; Igros Moshe 1:93; 4:74; Minchas Yitzchak 9:30-31; Beir Moshe 6:110; ; Az Nidbaru 2:20; Teshuvos Vehanhagos 1:207; Piskeiy Teshuvos 318:51

[5] Tzemach Tzedek in understanding of Michaber:Admur; Poskim in previous foonote; See other opionions

[6] Admur 318:20

[7] Admur 318:20; M”A 318; M”B 318:78

[8] Halacha 20

[9] Halacha 19

[10] Halacha 19

[11] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 34-35

[12] M”B 318:74; Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 36

[13] Based on Rama and others. However, there are others which are stringent in this matter even if the stream has become detached.

[14] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 36

[15] So rules Minchas Yitzchak in various Teshuvos [4:46]. He explains there that although the water does not come directly from boiler to the food and rather bypasses at times a long and cold pipe which draws it, nevertheless since throughout its journey it remains attached to the water in the boiler [Keli Rishon] therefore it retains the status of the pouring of a Keli Rishon.

[16] So rules the Minchas Yitzchak explicitly. Although there are those [SSH”K 1 footnote 122] which have written/ruled in the name of the Minchas Yitzchak that if the boiler is no longer on then it has the status of a  Keli Sheiyni if the pipes were cold.

[17] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 37, based on M”B [318:74] and Rav Akiva Eiger

[18] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 38

[19] As the more one pours on it the more it cooks. So rules Tehila Ledavid [318:19] and Ketzos Hashulchan [134 footnote 31] and other Poskim. So is implied also from Minchas Yitzchak [4:46]. However the M”B [318:39] leans to be lenient in this although concludes that it is best to be stringent. The Igros Moshe [1:42] rules that it is completely permitted and there is no need to be stringent.

[20] M”B 318:39 although he concludes that it is best to be stringent; Igros Moshe [1:42]

[21] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 38

[22] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 68

[23] So is apparent from Tzemach Tzedek from fact he allowed one to pour from such a Keli Sheiyni onto food. So rules also Igros Moshe, Sheivet Haleivi, Chazon Ish, Minchas Yitzchak.

[24] Taz 318:18; Tosafus Pesachim 40b; Tur 318; Rashba, Ran and Rif on Shabbos 20a; Elya Raba Y.D. 68; Peri Megadim Yoreh Deah 68; Iglei Tal Ofeh 29

[25] Admur 318:20; Tzemach Tzedek Mishnayos Shabbos 3:5, brought in Ketzos Hashulchan 124:12 footnote 31, and Tehila Ledavid 318, in understanding of Michaber/Admur. [However, see Ketzos Hashulchan 124:11 footnote 29 who adds to the words of Admur that it is only permitted if majority is cold water. This is unlike his next footnote which states in the name of the Tzemach Tzedek Admur’s true opinion.]

[26] M”A 318:35; Tosafus Shabbos 42a that pouring on a minute amount of cold water is forbidden; Tzemach Tzedek Mishnayos Shabbos 3:5, brought in Ketzos Hashulchan 124:12 footnote 31; P”M 318 A”A 35; Gr”a; Chayeh Adam; Tehila Ledavid 318:28; M”B 318:78 and 85; Biur Halacha 318 ”Vehu Shelo”; Kaf Hachaim 318:130; Ketzos Hashulchan 124:11-12; Igros Moshe 1:93; 4:74; Minchas Yitzchak 9:30-31; Beir Moshe 6:110; ; Az Nidbaru 2:20; Teshuvos Vehanhagos 1:207; Piskeiy Teshuvos 318:51

[27] Tzemach Tzedek Mishnayos Shabbos 3, brought in Ketzos Hashulchan ibid footnote 31; Ketzos Hashulchan 124:12; Shevisas Hashabbos Hakdama Mivashel 19; Or Letziyon 2:30-10; Beis Meir brought in Biur Halacha “Vehu” that those that are lenient do not need to be protested; Igros Moshe 4:74 Bishul 18; Piskeiy Teshuvos 318:51

Background: So rules Tzemach Tzedek Mishnayos Shabbos 3, brought in Ketzos Hashulchan 124:12 footnote 31, that one may be lenient from the letter of the law being that cooking a cold precooked liquid is itself a dispute and thus by a double dispute one may be lenient, although nevertheless it is proper to be stringent. See also Igros Moshe 4:74 that is lenient in this matter by a cup with leftover drops, although in that case it is due to other reasons as well and hence in a case of a lot of liquid, he is stringent.

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule it is forbidden to pour from a Klei Rishon even onto precooked water. [Igros Moshe 4:74; It is implied from M”B 318:39 [regarding the process of making tea on Shabbos] that it is forbidden to pour from a Keli Rishon even on precooked liquids. See Biur Halacha “Vehu” in name of Beis Meir that one does not need to protest against one who does so, although each person should be Machmir.]

[28] Ketzos Hashulchan 124:11-12; Biur Halacha 318 “Vehu Shelo”; Piskeiy Teshuvos 318:51

[29] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 116; Piskeiy Teshuvos 318:21 [old] 51 [new]

[30] M”A 318:35; Tosafus Shabbos 42a that pouring on a minute amount of cold water is forbidden; Tzemach Tzedek Mishnayos Shabbos 3:5, brought in Ketzos Hashulchan 124:12 footnote 31; P”M 318 A”A 35; Gr”a; Chayeh Adam; Tehila Ledavid 318:28; M”B 318:78 and 85; Biur Halacha 318 ”Vehu Shelo”; Kaf Hachaim 318:130; Ketzos Hashulchan 124:11-12; Igros Moshe 1:93; 4:74; Minchas Yitzchak 9:30-31; Beir Moshe 6:110; ; Az Nidbaru 2:20; Teshuvos Vehanhagos 1:207; Piskeiy Teshuvos 318:51

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that pouring from a keli Rishon onto a minute amount of cold is permitted. [Admur 318:20; Taz 318:18; Tosafus Pesachim 40b; Tur 318; Rashba, Ran and Rif on Shabbos 20a; Elya Raba Y.D. 68; Peri Megadim Yoreh Deah 68; Iglei Tal Ofeh 29; Tzemach Tzedek Mishnayos Shabbos 3:5, brought in Ketzos Hashulchan 124:12 footnote 31, and Tehila Ledavid 318, in understanding of Michaber:Admur]

[31] Har Tzevi Tal Harim Mivashel 1; Sheivet Haleivi 7:42-2; Mishneh Halachos 6:67; Tzitz Eliezer 13:40; Divrei Yatziv 156; Vayan Yosef 1:93; Ateres Moshe 1:86; Yabia Omer 4:33; Mishneh Halachos 6:67; Shevet Hakehasi 2:146; Maor Hashabbos 8 footnote 103 and 4:33 in name of Rav Elyashiv; See Piskeiy Teshuvos 318:51 footnote 461

[32] The reason: As they rule the remaining drops are considered irrelevant, and it is a Pesik Reishei Delo Nicha Lei, as well as many Poskim ibid rule it is even initially permitted. [Poskim ibid]

[33] Igros Moshe 1:93; 4:74; Minchas Yitzchak 9:30-31; Beir Moshe 6:110; Az Nidbaru 2:20; Teshuvos Vehanhagos 1:207; See Piskeiy Teshuvos 318:51

[34] See Admur 302:23

[35] Tzemach Tzedek Mishnayos Shabbos 3, brought in Ketzos Hashulchan ibid footnote 31; Ketzos Hashulchan 124:12; Shevisas Hashabbos Hakdama Mivashel 19; Or Letziyon 2:30-10; Beis Meir brought in Biur Halacha “Vehu” that those that are lenient do not need to be protested; Igros Moshe 4:74 Bishul 18; Piskeiy Teshuvos 318:51

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule it is forbidden to pour from a Klei Rishon even onto precooked water. [Implication of M”B 318:39 [regarding the process of making tea on Shabbos] that it is forbidden to pour from a Keli Rishon even on precooked liquids. See Biur Halacha “Vehu” in name of Beis Meir that one does not need to protest against one who does so, although each person should be Machmir; See Igros Moshe 4:74 who is only lenient by a few drops]

[36] The reason: As reheating a cold precooked liquid is itself a dispute, and there are Poskim who are completely lenient even with uncooked liquids, therefore by precooked thus by a double dispute one may be lenient even initially. [Tzemach Tzedek Mishnayos Shabbos 3, brought in Ketzos Hashulchan 124:12 footnote 31; Piskeiy Teshuvos 318:51 footnote 462] Now, although there he concludes that nevertheless it is proper to be stringent, here since there are Poskim who are completely lenient even with uncooked drops, therefore one may be lenient even initially. [See Shabbos Kehalacha ibid] See also Igros Moshe 4:74 that is lenient in this matter by a cup with leftover drops, although in that case it is due to other reasons as well and hence in a case of a lot of liquid, he is stringent.

[37] Shabbos Kehalacha p. 114

[38] 124 footnote 30

[39] Rav Farkash [Vol. 1 p. 114] leans to argue on this on the basis that no Poskim have ever mentioned such a differentiation.

[40] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 130

[41] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 119

[42] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 119

[43] As the ladle is defined as a Keli Sheiyni.

[44] However, from the letter of the law seemingly it is allowed, as it is only a stringency to avoid pouring liquids from a Keli Rishon into water, and a ladle which has remained in a Keli Rishon is itself a dispute as to its status. However perhaps one can say that only plain liquids were allowed to be poured onto water, however liquids which contain solids, such as soup, is not allowed, and hence one is to be stringent. Vetzaruch Iyun.

[45] As even if the ladle has remained a long time within the Keli Rishon, its pouring is defined as Iruiy Keli Rishon, which is permitted to be poured onto pre-cooked liquids, as explained above.

[46] Thus, by schnitzel, even if the schnitzel has been transferred to a second dish, it would still be forbidden to be placed on the dish, according to those stringent by a Davar Gush.

[47] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 119

[48] Shabbos Kehalacha p. 120

[49] Shabbos Kehalacha p. 120

[50] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 120; SSH”K 1:73

[51] Tzitz Eliezer 16:40

[52] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 121

[53] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 122

[54] Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 1 p. 122

[55] Shabbos Kehalacha p. 121

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