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12. Leaving home:[1]
It is permitted for an Onen to leave his house.[2] He may thus go to Shul [or anywhere else of his choosing]. However, since it is forbidden for him to [learn or] Daven, there isn’t much for him to do in Shul.[3] [Some Poskim[4] rule it is only permitted for the Onen to leave his home if it serves a need of the deceased, or burial/funeral arrangements. It is however forbidden for him to leave the house for no need at all. Other Poskim[5] however rule the Onen may leave the house without restriction, even not for the need of the deceased.]
________________________________________[1] Rama 341:1 and 5; Kol Bo; Hagahos Maimanis in name of Semak
[2] Rama 341:5
[3] Rama 341:1
[4] Beir Hagoleh 341 in name of Semag; Kitzur SHU”A 196:6; Darkei Hachaim 2:135; Noam Megadim 3; Nitei Gavriel 15:3; Pnei Baruch Onen 17
[5] Misgeres Hashulchan on Kitzur SHU”A ibid based on implication of Rama ibid
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