11. Bamboo reeds for Bris

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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Bamboo reeds: [Talmud/Shulchan Aruch]

One may not slaughter with a bamboo reed.[1] [Some Poskim[2] rule that even Bedieved it is invalid. Other Poskim[3], however, rule that it is valid Bedieved.]


[1] Michaber Y.D. 264:2; Chulin 16b; Sefer Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh [Lerner] 151:2;224:2

The reason: Some say that this is because pieces of the reed could potentially break off and cause him injury, or an invalid slaughter. [Rashi ibid] Others rule it is because of Ruach Ra’ah. [Yerushalmi; Beis Yosef 6]

[2] Baal Haittur, based on Rashi Chulin ibid

[3] Beis Yosef ibid in name of Yerushalmi

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