10. Learning Mishnayos on day of Yartzite

10. Learning Mishnayos:[1]

What to learn: It is a widespread custom to study chapters of Mishnayos on the day of the Yahrzeit in accordance to the name of the deceased.[2] One studies one chapter of Mishnayos per letter, choosing those chapters that begin with the letters of the name. For example, if the name ifאברהם  then one begins with a chapter that begins with an א and then continues with a chapter that begins with a ב and so on and so forth. In the event that there are two of the same letters in the name one is nevertheless to study a full chapter for each letter. However, it is not necessary to study different chapters for each repeated letter, and one may repeat the study of the same chapter.[3] It is likewise customary to study the entire chapter 24 in Keilim and the entire chapter 7 in Mikvaos on the day of the Yahrzeit.[4] [The Chabad custom is to do so after each prayer on the day of the Yahrzeit, as brought in Halacha 7E.] The main focus of the learning of Mishnayos should be in understanding their content and not to achieve a certain quantity of learning. This applies even if one will not be able to complete the chapters which correspond to the letters of the Niftar on the day of the Yahrzeit.[5]

When:[6] The chapters of Mishnayos that corresponds to the name of the Niftar can be studied throughout the 24 hours of the Yahrzeit. However, the Mishnayos of chapter 24 in Keilim and chapter 7 in Mikvaos is studied after each of the three prayers as brought in Halacha 7E.

The name of the parent:[7] When learning Mishnayos in accordance to the letters of the name of the deceased, one studies only in correspondence to the name of the deceased and not the name of his parent.

Determining the spelling of the name of the Niftar:[8] One is to follow the name that the deceased used to receive an Aliyah to the Torah. If there are several ways of spelling the name, then one is to follow the spelling that the deceased used to sign his name.

Prayer after Mishnayos:[9] It is not the custom amongst Chabad Chassidim to recite the accustomed prayer printed in Siddurim after the recital of Mishnayos.

Yahrzeit on Tishe Beav:[10] If the Yahrzeit falls on Tishe Beav, the children are to study Mishnayos from Miseches Moed Katan.

[1] See Igros Kodesh 3:128; 17:271; Hisvadyus 5750 1:239; Yagdil Torah 31:333 in name of Alter Rebbe; Nitei Gavriel 64; 71:8-10

[2] Yaavetz in Siddur Beis Yaakov Emek Habracha page 402; See Igros Kodesh ibid that the effects of learning Mishnayos according to the name is very different than the learning of Mishnayos in accordance to the Seder.

[3] Igros Kodesh 17:271, printed in Shulchan Menachem 5:313

[4] Nitei Gavriel 71:8

[5] Nitei Gavriel 71:14

[6] Sefer Haminhagim p. 77; Igros Kodesh 3:128 [brought in Shulchan Menachem 5:322]

[7] Mishmeres Shalom Lamed 24; Igros Kodesh 17:271, printed in Shulchan Menachem 5:313; Nitei Gavriel 64:4

Other customs: Some are accustomed to also recite the chapters that correspond to the parents name. [Nitei Gavriel ibid]

[8] Igros Kodesh 17:271, printed in Shulchan Menachem 5:313

[9] Igros Kodesh 19:214, printed in Shulchan Menachem 5:314

[10] Nitei Gavriel 71:13

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