1. Who can be the Mohel

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. Who can be the Mohel:[1]

Father of child: It is a positive commandment for the father to perform the Bris Milah to his son.

Woman: Some Poskim[2] rule that it is valid for a woman to perform a circumcision. Other Poskim[3] rule that it is invalid for a woman to perform a circumcision and so is the custom, to place effort to have a man perform the circumcision.

Gentile:[4] A Gentile may not circumcise a Jew even if the Gentile is circumcised. Nonetheless, if a Gentile performs the circumcision then some Poskim[5] rule that it is not necessary to repeat it a second time. However, other Poskim[6] rule that it is necessary to go back and perform Hatafas Dam Bris and so is the main opinion.

Mumar; Non-religious doctor:[7] A heretic has the same status as a Gentile regarding performing a circumcision, [and hence it is forbidden for him to circumcise, and if he does so than Hatafas Dam Bris is required to be performed].


[1] Michaber Y.D. 264:1; See Pesakim Uteshuvos 264:1-4; See Encyclopedia Talmudit Vol. 46 Erech Mila p. 538-547

The greatness of the Mitzvah of being a Mohel: See Pesakim Uteshuvos 261:4

[2] Michaber ibid

[3] Rama ibid

[4] See Pesakim Uteshuvos 264:2

[5] Michaber ibid

[6] Rama ibid

[7] Rama ibid; See Pesakim Uteshuvos 264:3 regarding heretic doctors

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