The age old custom of many was for the circumcision to take place in the local Shul.[2] Practically, however, many today are accustomed to do so in a hall, or in their home, and not necessarily in a Shul.[3]
Is cold outside:[4] In times of cold weather, the child was circumcised at home even in previous times.
Sukkos-Must they take place in the Sukkah? See Chapter 12 Halacha 8!
___________________________________________________[1] See Siddur Admur Seder Mila “When the child is brought to the Shul…”; Admur 131:5 “And not in the Shul on the day of the Mila”, 131:6 “And not in the Shul in which the Bris is in….in times of cold when they circumcise the baby at home”; 331:8; 347:7; 584:9 [some do in Shul and some at home]; 621:3 [some do in Shul and some at home]; Rama Y.D. 265:11; Tosafus Pesachim 101a; Machzor Vitri 2:506; Tashbeitz Katan 393; Maharil Mila; Rashba 7:536; Os Shalom 265:25; Shaareiy Tefila Uminhag 1:458; Shevach Habris 14:1; See Pesakim Uteshuvos 265:33
[2] The reason: As Berov Am Hadras Melech. [Admur 331:8] Alternatively, this is based on the verse [Shmuel 1 23:14] “Vayichrisu Bris Lifnei Hashem” [Rashba 7:536] Alternatively, this is to prevent extra burden on the community [to need to travel to the hall or shul]. [See Or Zarua Aveilus 440; Sefer Habris 265:154]
[3] See Zecher Dovid Mamar 1:61
[4] Admur 131:6; M”A 131:11; P”M 131 M”Z 9
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